Social Enterprise Brief

October 2021

International Needs Australia International Needs Australia



At Project Sustainable Livelihood for Farmers (SLF), we've been making a meaningful difference by providing loans to Farmers' Associations (FAs) for their agribusiness projects. This project builds upon the success of the previous two phases from 2014 to 2021. Since 2014, we have supported over 50 FAs with more than 1000 farmers. The project trains farmers on not just farming techniques but also how to write business proposals and how to manage their businesses.

Here's a story that showcases the positive change of our loan initiatives in the Project SLF for one of the FAs.

The Katikayonyi FA had a vision to construct a maize storage facility. This allowed them to sell their maize in bulk, negotiate better prices, and store produce for off-season sales. With 7 members (3 women and 4 men), Katikayonyi FA received a loan of UGX 5 million (AUD2,300) in April 2023. Between August and October 2023, they stocked 13.5 tons of maize, valued at UGX 13.5 million. By selling collectively, they achieved prices 2.5 times higher than selling individually. The FA is also on track with the loan payment at the 2% interest rate.


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