I t’s been said that you are going to get involved in assisted living one way or the other. There are 3 choices: 1. You can own real estate and lease it to an RAL Operator and get twice the rent with a long term low impact tenant.
1. They require high-volume repetition or high-volume ownership
2. Success hinges on your being able to buy below market value
2. Own the Real estate AND operate the RAL business or…
In today’s real estate market, this second flaw is a partic- ularly big deal. The housing market is so hot in this country right now, people are paying ex- tremely high prices for houses and apartments. The competi- tion for great deals is growing by the day. That’s a problem for most real estate investors who are trying to buy at a discount. Imagine if that single-family home I described earlier could
3. You or a loved one will be writing a check to live in a home or a large facility and have somebody else take care of yourself or a loved one. The only question is how you are involved and at this mo- ment you can choose which one is best for you. This is an op- portunity to avoid a potential crisis in your life and to protect your family’s future. Now is the optimal time to get involved in a controlled, deliberate, strategic fashion. Here’s why: The “Silver Tsunami” of seniors is here. There are 77 million Baby Boomers, and 4,000 people are turning 85 every single day on average. That is 1.4 million new 85-year-olds every year, about the same number of assisted living beds in the entire country at this moment. They won’t all need assisted living, but hundreds of thousands will. That is a huge opportunity from a real estate and business perspective. The average cost to stay in assisted living today is $3,750 per month. Many people are paying $4,000 to $6,000 or more per month. Imagine having one single-family investment property where you have $50,000 per month in gross income. After all expens- es, including the cost of owning the real estate itself, you are still netting $10,000 or $15,000 a month. Would that change things financially for you? Most real estate investors get involved in real estate to improve their financial situation either immediately or with monthly cash flow. There are lots of options out there. You can fix-and-flip. You can wholesale. You can own single-fami- ly or multifamily rentals. All of these strategies work, but they also have two big flaws:
generate that type of return even though you bought it at retail value – market price! Good news: Residential assisted living homes can be purchased or financed at retail and still generate the returns I described above. That makes this investment strategy “one and done.” Start out with one fully operational RAL property, and you are producing all the income you need to live the way you want to live. Even better, this strategy works everywhere in the country that you could want to deploy it. All you need to be successful is the knowledge and the support, knowing step by step, what to do and what NOT to do. Access that education right now via RALAcademy’s FREE, seven-part training at, or call to get more information at 480-704-3065. You are going to get involved is Assisted Living one way or the other. The choice is yours… for now. •
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