With October fast approaching, now is a great time to fine-tune your body and get back into doing the things you love. The Physiotherapy Center is committed to providing our patients with high-quality rehabilitation. Our expert team of physiotherapists is devoted to helping our patients make a full recovery from their injuries. Physiotherapy tends to be associated with sports injuries, along with chronic problems such as back pain, surgery recovery, and balance issues. Yet, you may not realize the range of problems in which physiotherapy can help -- both for pain management and to help ease other symptoms. Do you have hand pain and stiffness? Physiotherapists treat hand and wrist conditions ranging from carpal tunnel to “trigger finger.” Tennis elbow and rotator cuff injuries can also be aided through PT. Among other conditions the general public may not associate with physiotherapy are pelvic floor dysfunction, TMJ, cardiopulmonary disease, Parkinson’s, and traumatic brain injuries. We understand that injuries and pain can make everyday activities way harder than they should be, as well as add unnecessary stress. We strive to empower you to achieve your full
potential and maximum functional level in work, sport, and life activities. Take the time this month to start figuring out the most important things you need to know about the benefits and perks of physiotherapy. 1. Physiotherapy is most beneficial when used before an issue becomes chronic. So many people wait until they’ve been dealing with pain for an elongated period before seeking support from a physiotherapist. But there is no reason to wait! Physiotherapy can have the biggest impact if used shortly after your initial injury. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to heal. 2. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more severe the pain is likely to become and the more difficult the pain will be to treat. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment
immediately following the development of your pain as possible. Physiotherapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be. 3. Physiotherapy is the best strategy to overcome back pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with back pain, and that number is even higher for those who are over 65. Your physiotherapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs helping you achieve the best results possible. 4. Physiotherapy can be a better choice than prescription opioids. In the early days after an injury or an operation, painkillers help patients function without crippling pain. But with each day that passes, the risks opioids pose outweigh the rewards. Physiotherapy is a natural solution that can be beneficial for many conditions, from fibromyalgia, low back pain, to knee or hip arthritis.
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