T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1041
paign,•which nation did all the work? And which nation stepped in and, it is said, with the loss of only eight men', took a large portion of the spoils? Which nation stormed the fortresses of Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands, and France to gain dearly won vic tories? And which nation quietly and subtly took over three countries and part of another, not counting a portion of Finland? If there has been,one coun try pulling the proverbial chestnuts from the fire, which country has it been ? Surely the crafty occupant of the Kremlih has accomplished as much
be “the Son of God.” The disciples own Him as “Master.” Philip is certain that in “Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph,” as he .at that time in his lim- •ited understanding regarded Him, he has found the One “of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write.” Nathanael also recognizes Him as “the Son of God” and proclaims Him “the King of Israel.” Jesus Himself uses the expression which in after days Was so commonly on His lips, "the Soft of man,” and He shows us that this Son of man is like Jacob’s ladder, the con necting link between earth and heaven, upon whom the angels of God ascend and descend. As we go through this Gospel, we see the Lord Jesus Christ presented in every possible way that the Spirit of God could portray Him and th a t the human mind, enlightened by divine grace, could understand. May we act upon that revelation! Italian Empire, an ally of the confed eracy of the north. Perhaps a ray of light can be thrown on this situation when we remember that in Daniel 11 we read that the Roman prince will be forced into an expedition against “the king of the south,” or Eg^rpt, and will eventually clash with the monster-army of “the king of the north.” The fate of these two countries may well be the cause of this coming conflict, 3. Gomer Is Germany, In Genesis 10:2, 3 we read that Gomer was the grandson of Noah, and the son of JApheth; and that Togarmah was a son of Gomer. The three sons of Gomer settled to the north of the Black Sea, which was then called “Gomeria,” and later “Cimmeria,” and still later “Cri mea.” Other descendants of Go&er were said to have traveled along the Danube, settling in the land which is now Ger many. According to some authorities, their land was first called “The Land of Gomer,” or “Gomerland,” from which the word “Germany” came. THE INVASION OF PALESTINE [Continued from Page 10]
as Hitler, with comparatively little loss of "Red” blood. The Motivé fo r this Invasion of Palestine Verses 8 to 12, addressed to Gog, tell us the motive that will prompt these vast hordes to invade Palestine in the time of the end. The armies of "th e ,prince of Rosh” will enter thé land of Palestine “to take a spoil, and to take a prey.” How sig nificant all of this is at this present time! This very prophecy was’ difficult to understand until a few years ago, because it seemed only too clear' then to most observers that the land of Palestine was not worth [Contintfed on Page 38] SAVED! By R. A. TORREY the question. I t tells us that every one who believes in Jesus Christ is saved. These words were addressed to the believers in Ephesus, and to every one of them the Holy Spirit says: “Ye are saved.” Every one, then, who really believes in Jesus as the Son of God, and shows that he really believes it by taking Him to be his own personal Saviour and surrendering to Him as his Lord and Master, is saved. To even- such a one God says, as He says here in the text to the believers in Ephesus: “By grace ARE ye saved.”
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8).
Charles M. Alexander and I were holding meetings in Liverpool, Eng land, the vicar of one of the parishes said In a letter to the leading daily paper: “I wish Dr. Torrey would not use the word ‘saved’ so much. I do not like it.” Well, I do like it. I t is a word of very frequent occurrence in the Bi ble. I wish it were of more frequent occurrence in the experience of men today. I t is one of the greatest words in the English language. It is a glo rious word, a stupendous word. Even in its ordinary usage in everyday life it is a great word.
Unlikely though it may seem at the present hour, it is Russia and not Gomer who, through her prince, will play the leading part in the terrible drama de scribed in Ezekiel 38. And, in verse 7, she is said to be a “guard” unto her allies. The marginal reading of the word “guard” in the Revised Version is “commander.” That is, Russia is to be the commander over Ûie confederacy. We may think that today Russia is playing thé secondary role in world ’ events, for Germany’s Hitler seems to be the aggressor in the field of action. But l^t me call this to your attention, and you may judge for yourself as to which one of the dictators is the more wily of the two. In the Polish cam“Saved” is a g reat’ word. When Here is a boat at sea, filled to its utmost capacity with men, women, and children. Days have passed since the steamer sank on which they were crossing the ocean, and they were obliged to take refuge in this lifeboat. Their supplies of food and water are exhausted. They are perishing with hunger and with thirst. Despair has seized upon them. Just then a vessel comes in sight; a cry rings out over the water: “Saved! Saved!” Is it not a glorious word? But the word is far more glorious as used in our text and used again and again in the Bible. The word “saved,” in the Bible, has a wonder ful wealth of meaning in it. Who are saved? The text answers He does not Say, “Ye may be saved some day” ; He says, “Ye ARE saved” now. The Revised' Version is even stronger; “By grace HAVE YE BEEN SAVED.” Salvation is not merely a future possibility for the believer. It is an already accom plished fact; it is the present pos- session of every believer. If you have not thus believed in Jesus, but will here and now put your confidence in Him as the Son of God, accept Him as your personal Saviour who bore your sins in His own body on the cross, and expect God to for give you because Christ died in your place, and if you will surrender to Him as your divine Master—the mo ment you do that, God says to you right here in Ephesians 2:8: “By grace ARE ye saved.” 'P art o f a sermon preached in the Church o f the Open Door . Los Angeles . mors than twentg gears, ago, and printed in the Januarg. 1980, issue o f THE KING’S BUSINESS.
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