January, 1941
* H B K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
*uch there 1« no hop« of deliverance. The teaching Is false which says '•that the fires of Sheol are purgatorial and that the sinner may be released some day when his sins have been purged. There Is only one place where sin can be purged, and that is Calvary (Heb. 1:3). On those who. reject the_blood of Calvary, the gates of Sheol will close, and remain closed until the Day of Judgment. “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under pun ishment unto the day of judgment” (2 Pet. 2:9, R.V.). j When that day comes, the gates will open, but only that the lost may stand before the Throne of Judgment to receive the sentence of everlasting punishment and be cast In to" the final prison house of the lost, there to suffer forever according to their deserts (cf. Rev. 20:13,14). Golden Text Illustration L uke 16:13 A poor widow was remarkable for her liberality, but there came to her an unexpected legacy which made her rich. She soon underwent such a change that whereas she used to volunteer to give, now she had to be Importuned, and then gave only the smallest amounts. Her pastor spoke of the matter to her. “Ah!’." she said, “when day by day I looked to God for my bread, I had enough to spare; now I have to look to my ample Income, and I am all the time haunted with the fear of losing it and coming to want. I had the guinea heart when I had the shillings means; now I have the guinea means and the shilling h e a rt” —A. J. Gordon. When Lazarus Was Hungry L uke 16:19-31 > MEMORY VERSE: “If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and If he be thirsty, give him water to drink" (Prov. 25:21). APPROACH: God prospers men that they may help the poor, but selfish rich men do not know God or His love. Poor men have selfish hearts, too, until
was only slok and hungry. The rich man did not-care. Lazarus loved God; so when he died, the angels carried him to be with those who in their life on earth had believed In God and loved Him. The rich man also died, and in hell his selfish heart tormented him, for It was like a fire in the midst of him, yet the flame could not take away selfish ness. Between Lazarus and the rich man there was “a great gulf,” separat-; ing them. The rich man could see that Lazarus was happy, so he selfishly asked that Lazarus might come down to hell to put a little water on his hot tongue. The Bible shows how every one can be saved, for God is not willing that any should perish, but wants all to repent. The rich man begged that Lazarus be sent back into the world to tell his five brothers to repent lest they should come to the place of torment. The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, but sinners will not repent unless they believe and Obey God’s Word, which is tru? from the beginning. It tells all selfish people to repent now; after death it will be too late. Come now to the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved, and He will make the heart right for heaven, where there is joy for ever more. Object Lesson Two “E’s” and Two E ternities OBJECTS: A capital “B” and a pair of scissors. (Make the “B” by folding a piece of whit? paper 8% xll Inches, making it 8%x5% inches. With the fold to the left, draw a line % inch from the fold and beginning 1 inch from the bottom. Extend it upward 4 Inches. Prom
WILLARD HOTEL is located, in th e left . wing of the Bible In stil tu te building, next to the Public L ibrary park, ad joining the Church of the Open Door. I t is operated as a first class tem per- - ance. hotel, surrounded by a Christian environ- m ent th a t assures a safe, com fortable and exclu sive p lace, to stop. 18. stories of. fireproof con struction. R a te s:
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[Continued on Page 22]
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they k n o w God. The rich have fine clothes; the p o o r a r e ragged; b u t “the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward a p p e a r ance, bùt the Lord l o o k e t h on the heart” (1 Sam. id: 7).'
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5 - b l Y I S I O n
LESSON STORY: A selfish rich man had fine clothes and big dinners every day, and a t his gate lay a sick beggar named Lazarus. If the rich man had loved God, he would have given food and. drink to even an enemy in need. And Lazarus was not an enemy; he
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