King's Business - 1941-01


January, 1941

Golden Text Illustration E phesians 4 :32

but He desires that love to Him shall be expressed. The reason for failure to give thanks may be traced always to an absence of genuine love. The giving of thanks is a rare gift, but it is the highest spiritual exercise in which a Christian can engage; it fulfills the pur­ pose of the being because “whoso offer- eth praise glorifieth” God (cf. Psa. 50: 23). Points and Problems 1. “It is impossible but that offenses will come” (Lk. 17:1). The “offenses” here are literally “occasions of stum­ bling” (R.V.). Such “occasions” are certain to come, the Lord warns us. That such things should not come to the chil­ dren of God is an impossibility. The “impossibility” we face in this matter, however, does not mean that God’s power is limited, but that He has de­ creed to permit such “occasions” for His own wise and holy reasons. One of these reasons is doubtless for the testing of our faith, which testing will a t last bring “praise and honor and glory” to- our Lord a t His coming (1 Pet. 1:7). 2. “But woe unto him, through whom they come!” '(17:1). Here we may learn that the stumblingblocks which come into the believer’s experience are not to be charged to God. Although He permits them, he is not the cause. All such things originate in the free will of wick­ ed men and spirits, and «vhile God per­ mits creatures of His to act as they will within certain limits, He will at last hold them fully responsible for what they do.


A shamefaced employee was sum­ moned to the office of the senior part­ ner to hear his doom. The least that he could expect was a blistering dismissal; he might be sent to prison for years. The old man called his name and asked him whether he was guilty. The clerk stammered out that he had no defense. “I shall not send you to prison,” said the old man. “If I take you back, can I trust you?” When the surprised and broken clerk had given assurance, and was about to leave, the senior partner continued: “You are the Second man who has fallen and been pardoned in this business. I was the first. What you have done, I did. The mercy you have received, I received. God help us all.” —Christian Endeavor World. A Man Who Thanked Jesus L uke 17 MEMORY VERSE: “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good” (Psa. 107:1). APPROACH: In Eastern countries, many people have a terrible disease called leprosy, which causes fingers, toes, hands, feet, and other parts of the' body to drop off. The poor lepers cannot live a t home, but must go away alone, because leprosy can be given by one person to another. In the time that which was a living picture of how the Lord Jesus would die and rise again to give him a new life that would be right for soul and body. LESSON STORY: The Lord Jesus was walking through Samaria and Gali­ lee on His way to Jerusalem when He met ten lepers. They stood far off cry­ ing pitifully, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” The Lord Jesus told them to show themselves to the priest in the temple where they would offer the sac­ rifice which God had commanded should be given by a healed leper. They were so anxious to be cured that they quickly obeyed, and even as they went, what joy! Their poor sick bodies became per­ fectly well! Nine lepers forgot the One who had healed them, and only one turned back to fall down a t Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. The grateful leper was a Samaritan, who would not be expected to know as much as the Jews did about the promises of God to heal, and yet he had faith in God.- He knew that no man could cure leprosy, so he must have believed in the Lord Jesus as God’s Son. his Saviour. That leper the Lord Jesus liv­ ed on earth, no doc­ tor could cure lep­ rosy, but God, who is almighty, can cure this disease. He gave directions about it in the Bible (Lev. 14). The healed leper had to o f f e r a • sacrifice

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