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1887. Societies established in Af rica, England, India, China, Japan, France, Spain, eto. Since then the story is one of con stant expansion into 40 different nations. 2. Christian Endeavor now has over 4,000,000 members in 80,000 soci eties in over 100 denominations. 3. À six-story headquarters building in Boston has been built with members’ twenty-five-cent contri butions. 4. Since 1925 (two years b e f o r e Founder Clark’s death), the inter national society has been led by Daniel A. Poling, pastor of Phila delphia Baptist Temple- (To give a spiritual emphasis to this topic, secure and read your Christian Endeavor covenant, and comment on the value of a movement which has given entrance of the truths of this pledge to nations and peoples the world over.) m . WHAT ‘‘CHRISTIAN ENDEA VOR” HAS ACCOMPLISHED. (Speaker may elaborate and illustrate as time allows.) 1. Many young people have come to know Jesus Christ as Saviour. 2. Many have been inspired, and en couraged, and t r a i n e d to win friends to Christ. 3. Christian Endeavor discussion and forum groups have enabled young p e o p l e to straighten out ideas about life’s problems. 4. Young people have become better acquainted with one another—and with the Lord Jesus. 5. Young people have been trained for leadership. 6. Young people have been developed in self-expression. 7. Christian Endeavor has trained young people to be stewards of time, talents, money, and life. (Note again Romans 12:1,2.) 8. Christian Endeavor has In most cases stood out against gambling, lewd magazines, moving pictures, the cigarette habit, and liquor. 9. Many young people have become evangelistic a n d missionary-con scious through Christian Endea vor. 10. Countless “part-time” and “full time” Christian workers, as well as many genuine Christian wit nesses in so-called "secular” em ployment, trace their response to the Lord’s Commission to a Chris tian Endeavor meeting. For the Leader 1. Send to the International Society
2. Consult with your pastor in mak-. ing this a great "Christian Endeavor Day.” Advertise it as such and make your c h u r c h “youth” conscious and "C.E.” conscious. 8. Allow time in this meeting to dis cuss the three points of the outline in their application to your C.E. Society; i.e., “When our Society was bom,” “How our Society has grown,” and “What our Society has accomplished.” 4. Do not be afraid to face these is sues, and if your society has not grown and has accomplished little, find out why. FEBRUARY 9, 1941 . , WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT TOLERANCE L uke 9:49, 50; G alatians 3:26-29 Introduction Concerning “tolerance,” the teachings of the Word of God seem paradoxical. On some occasions the Lord Jesus Him self seemed very “intolerant.” At other times He was so “tolerant” that men were shocked. - "Tolerance” is just now a very popu lar doctrine. The public press, most universities, and the Federal Council of Churches are zealously preaching it. But when "tolerance” is used as a guise for permitting the destruction of American principles of government and ^ fo r denying the necessity of adhering to God-revealed faith, something is the matter! "We should be good enough Ameri cans to defend Americanism.” We must be devoted enough to the truth of God to live it and, if necessary, die for it. If we are not so, we are traitors to our country, and betrayers of the Christ we profess to worship. When rationalism attacks and under mines revealed faith, it is the right and duty of God’s people to defend their faith, even a t the cost of being termed “intolerant.” (Let the leader here suggest th a t the members of the group be alert, during the discussion, to detect the underlying principles which determined the “toler ance” or “intolerance” of our Lord.) For Those Who Have Topics I. THE BIBLE TEACHES “TOLER ANCE.” 1. The Jewish scribes and Pharisees were narrow and bigoted; hence the teachings of our Lord contin ually irritated them because His redemptive plan encompassed all men everywhere (Lk. 4:27,28, etc.). 2. The social sympathies of our Lord were a constant surprise and scan
AUTOGRAPHED COPIES LIGHT ON BIBLE PROPHECY By Louis S. Bauman, D. D. Based on a series of articles that appeared in The Sunday School Times, during the cataclysmic events that have been taking place in the world since the autumn of 1939. Christians everywhere will want this book which carries a message of abounding good cheer to the people of God in this darkest hour of the world’s history. Cloth binding, 169 pages—$1.00 postpaid ALAN S. PEARCE 1925 E. 5th St., Dept. K, Long Beach, Cai. You A re In v ite d to Open Your S av in g s A ccount w ith EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY "A S av in g s In s titu tio n ” NOT a B u ild in g -L o an A ssociation t% P er Annum Interest C. O. ANDERSON, M gr. S u ite 802. F in a n c ia l C en ter Bldg. ; JPh. VA-3935 Los A ngeles 704 S. S p rin g THE K i m ’S BUSINESS 2,000.000 JEWS g a th e re d in N ew Y ork m ak e it the la rg e st Je w ish m ission field in th e w orld. The N ew Y ork Je w ish E v an , g e llsa tlo n Society, Inc., founded in DR- THOMAS M. CHALMERS, is striv in g zealo u s-, ly to reach them . I ts m an ifo ld m in is try includes th e c a re of H ebrew - C h ristian refu g e es from E urope. This fa ith w o rk -is d ep en d en t upon y o u r co o p eratio n by g ift an d pray er. S ubscribe fo r o u r m o n th ly '‘JE W . ISH MISSIONARY MAGAZINE.’ 31.00 p er an n um . S am ple copy 10c W rite REV. FREDERICK A. ASTON, Directoi New Y ork Jew ish Evangelization Society 5H |A,PÀ. Please Mention
dal. With men who were under the ban of public opinion, despised by “right-thinking” men, treated like dogs in the street — Jesus talked, and ate, and labored (Matt. 8:3; 9:10,11; Lk. 7:39).
of Christian Endeavor, Boston, Mass., in care of Carroll M. Wright, Exec. Sec’y, for additional helpful material. Allow a t least two weeks for corre spondence.
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