King's Business - 1941-01



January, 1641

For the Leader 1. After the topics have been given, lead the group in a discussion of. the principles which motivated the behavior of our Lord Jesus Christ in sometimes manifesting "tolerance” and a t other times “intolerance-” 2. Take advantage of this opportunity to emphasize that Jesus Christ always loves sinners and always hates sin. Let the meeting close on this note and make it individually personal,

. “take care of itself.” Theirs was no attitude of moral laxity. They defended the faith (Jude 3) even unto death! b. Disciples Of Christ through the centuries have bitterly attacked man made, Satan - inspired, world - conformed, Sin - deceived “tolerance” which plays to the galleries of world opinion, CONCLUSION: I The way of Jesus Christ is not con­ formity to popular trends, but obedi­ ence to God'—a t any cost.

3. Our Lord reveals that there is a chance for the than who has no chance, hope for the man who is hopeless, help for the man who is - helpless (Matt. 11:28; 18:11; John . 12:32). 4. Our Lord observed principles of tolerance in selecting His follow­ ers. (We would have selected men of our own Social circle, our own type and temperament. Not so, Jesus! His selection was men un­ like Himself and unlike one an­ other.) Illus.: Compare Matthew; Peter, John, Philip, Thomas," etc. 5. Our Lord made the supreme act of “tolerance,” in His death. (Some men can forgive because they do not have any .conception of the hideousness of sin. Jesus’ heart was sO sensitive that He was con­ stantly lashing opt . against evil; yet while He loathed sin He loved sinners. Hence as cruel men nailed • Him to the cross, the only word which escaped His lips concerning them was, “Forgive” (Lk. 23:34). n . THE BIBLE TEACHES “INTOL­ ERANCE.” 1, Note the “intolerance” of God in the Old Testament (Ex. 22:20; 1 Ki. 18:40). (Remember that Baal-worship involved immorality as a part of the religious cere­ mony.) 2. Note the "intolerance” of Jesus Christ in Nie New Testament. a. He never sought the favor of the Sadducees and Pharisees. On the contrary He denounced them for rejecting His teachings (Matt. 5:20; 15:7,8,12; 16:12: 22:29). b. He was persistent in standing for something definite. It cost Him His life. He died rather than compromise! Illu stra tio n s: (1) The gang of thieves doing business in tile Temple were driven out. No “tolerance” here (John 2:14-16)! (2) Influential men of Jerusalem were scored vigorously (Matt. 23:29-33). (3) Christ swept other leaders and teachers out of the way with gorgeous, scornful “intoler­ ance” (Mk. 1:22). Note also His “Come unto me,” “Follow me,” “Abide in me” ; i. e., “There is none other” (Acts 4:12). (4) He recognized a great gulf fixed between righteous and wicked men. 3. Note the “intolerance” of believers of all ages. a. Most of the apostles paid the price of glorious martyrdom for their “intolerance.” They re­ fused to let the truth of Christ

3. Note that the references a t the head of this lesson apply to those Who are believers in Christ Jesus. sSsssSsessstfaea $1111111 PDODOFTHE

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