January, 1941
FEBRUARY 16, 1941 WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT BROTHERHOOD G enesis 4:9; A cts 17:24-28 Introduction This is a great subject for the day In which we are living. Certainly there is a real need for a manifestation of “brotherliness.” Internationl and inter nal affairs would be less turbulent if men would realize that we are “of one blood.” . George Bernard Shaw says ironically that man is the only animal of which he is afraid, that the only purpose a lion has in destroying a man is to eat him, but that men viciously attack one an other over politics, Ideals, or even re ligion. As usual, Shaw’s observance is cynical and heartless and cold, but thought-provoking. Modern liberal theology has'attempt ed to remedy the situation by proposing the amazing theory of the Universal Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man. They have had understandable difficulty in attempting to support their unscripturaL theory and have lost face in the futile effort. We would do well to examine the sub ject of “brotherhood” and see whether we can determine why “telling” men they are “brothers” does not “make” them so. To be "brothers,” men must be members of the same family, and humanity is divided into two families. Note Romans 8:15,16 and John 8:44; cf. John 3:6. For Those Who Have Topics L THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS “BROTHERLY” TO MANKIND. 1. He was the "friend of publicans and sinners” (Matt. 9:10; 11:19). Men who were objects of abhor rence, hatred, scorn; men who were
outcasts, vagabonds,- dregs of so ciety were befriended by the Lord as members bf the human race— as “brothers.” 2. “He saved others; himself he can not save” (Mk. 15:31). This statement, made with a sneer, was a devilish accusation, yet true. I t reveals the impression this Man made upon the people of His time. 3. " He “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). What more beautiful eulogy could be written of a man, or more 'clearly reveal a “brotherly” heart? THE BIBLE ENCOURAGES US TO BE “BROTHERLY” TO MEN. 1. There is a sense in which we are all “brothers/’ Note Genesis 3:20; 9:19. Ulus.: One of our American college fraternities has adopted the Greek ‘motto translated, “One man is no man.” The thought is refreshing. Man Js a social being. He needs a “brother.” If he has a joy, he wants to share it. He does not like to play, or work, or laugh, or suffer, alone. 2. There is a sense in which God is the Father of all men (Mai. 2:10; Acts 17:26; cf. R.V., “of one” ). 3. But we must not overlook that in this sense (i. e., as “brothers” through Adam) we are under the penalty of sin! Note Romans 5: 12-19; 1 Corinthians 15:22, 47. HI. THE BIBLE REVEALS THAT WE ARE MADE B R O T H E R S ONLY THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. 1. We are “born” out of the one fam ily (Adam’s), into another family (God’s) (John 3:3-8; cf, John 1:12, 13; 1 Pet. 1:23). 2. Saved, men become our “brothers” and God becomes our “Father” on ly as we are “bom” into His fam ily. Note John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 6:17,18; 1 John 3:1. 3. Then we become members of His Body (Eph. 5:30), members / ‘one of another” (Eph. 4:25) and “bro thers” indeed. For the Leader 1. Time could be taken to discuss how Christian young people can manifest “brotherliness.” Let this, however, be merely a means to an end. 2. Better still, make this meeting def initely evangelistic. Emphasize the one requirement essential for admission in to God’s wonderful family. FEBRUARY 23, 1941 W HAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT JUSTICE M ic a h 6:8; I s a ia h 56:1, 2; C o l o ss ia n s .4:1 ; M a t t h e w 5:38-42 Introduction During the days when the old Roman n.
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