January, 1941
Empire was a t its highest development, no statue was more honored than that of Themis, the Goddess of Justice. Be side every judge in every court of law stood the figure of Themis, assuring the weak man protection against the tyran ny of the strong, assuring all men alike of judgment without partiality or pas sion. It was a noble beginning—but Rome went into degenerating decline and departed from its high regard for the justice the goddess personified. His tory records that a statue of Themis stood by the side of Pilate! Our dictionary defines “justice” as the “administration of law . . . impar tially . . . by rendering that which is due or merited.” A good illustration is a news note from a current newspaper telling of a judge who on his way to the “bench” was arrested for a traffic vio lation. Later his own violation came before him for disposal. He handed down his decision which included a se vere rebuke and a stiff fine. As twentieth century young people, we are so constantly confronted with stories of “bought” juries, and have heard and seen such violent charges of “injustice” on the p a rt of employers, that we unconsciously a s s u m e that “there is no justice.” But the Word of God teaches it— commands it as a rule for mankind, and as Christians we would do well to follow on to that higher conception which has been revealed by our Lord Jesus. For Those Who Have Topics t THfl OBSERVANCE OP SOCIAL “JUSTICE” IS THE RULE OF GOD FOR ALL MEN. 1. Commanded as a principle of life (Deut 16:20; Isa. 56:1; Mic. 6:8). 2. Especially required of rulers (2 Sam. 23:3; Ezek. 45:9). Illustrate from modem times, and nations, how the disregard of these commands has brought tragedy, confusion, and sorrow. 3. Where “justice” is to be observed. a. In executing judgment (Deut. 16:18). b. In buying and selling (Lev. 19: 36; peut. 25:15). c . d . To fatherless and widows (Isa. 1:17). e. To servants (Col. 4:1). (Current happenings should pro vide numerous illustrations for the above.) IL THERE ARE SPECIAL REQUIRE MENTS OF “JUSTICE” FOR CHRIS TIANS. 1. They are to study the principles of justice (Phil. 4:8). 2. They are to receive instruction in justice (Prov. 1:3). 3. They are to take pleasure in doing SfS'lfics (Prov. 21:15).
4. They are to teach others to do justice (Gen. 18:19). 5. They are to exceed justice in their dealings with their fellow men (Matt. 5:38-42). a. The true Christian life is not— “Do your duty,” but, “Do what is not your duty” ; i.e., go the second mile; turn the other cheek. b. This passage reveals the humili ation of being a Christian. (From a natural standpoint, if a man does not hit back, it is because he is a coward; but spiritually if a man does not hit back, it is , a manifestation of the Son of God in him.) For the Leader 1. For Scriptural illustration, many splendid examples of “justice” are re vealed in the lives of famous Biblical characters: Moses (Num. 16:15); Sam uel (1 Sam, 12:4) ; David (2 Sam. 8:15); Solomon (1 Ki. 3:16-27); Josiah (Jer. 22:15); Joseph (Lk. 23:50, 51), and the apostles (1 Thess. 2:10). 2. Members of the group may be given opportunity to recount examples of flagrant abuse of the principles of justice, also cases of scrupulous adher ence to it.
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