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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1941
DAILY Devotional Readings
1. The Changing Years “My presence shall go with thee” (Ex. 33:14). Across the threshold of the year I dare not step without a guide; Oh, let me feel Thy presence near, And hn9W Thee ever a t my^ side. So many foes on every hajid, So many -snares laid for my feet, Left to myself I cannot stand— To tn ist jn self but courts defeat. But with Thy strong hand clasping mine, The future I can calmly face, Strong in the love that made me Thine, And leaning wholly on Thy grace. •—The Witness. 2. Love in the Cross ’“In this wgs manifested the loye of Qod” (1 Jolpi 4:9). I turn to the cross, and I see there a love wWch copies from the depths of His own infinite being, who loves be cause' He must, and who must because He is God- I turn to the cross, and I see there manifested a love which sighs for recognition, which desires nothing Of me but the repayment of my poor affection, and longs to see its own like ness in me,—Alexander Maclaren. 3. The Cause of Failure “Neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursed from among you” (Josh. 7:12). “But,” you say, “we had a wonderful victory at Jericho.” Yes, but all the while you were walking around Jericho there was that accursed desire in your midst. God was infinitely good; He did a , . on up when you were attack Just O ff the Press N ew a n d T im e ly B o o k l e t . . . THE FOURFOLD PROPHECY Four interesting chapters: • the Northern Confederacy • the Roman'Empire • the Palestine Conflict • the Return pf the Lord Understand what the Bible has to say about current and, future prophetic events. O n ly 25c ea ch by Herbert Lockyer
Gaining by Giving A little state on the borders of ancient Rome stood out for its independence a long time, but was continually assailed by its power ful foes • • . At last it consented to become part of Rome, and then it became as powerful as Rome itself. None of Its adversaries dared to attack it, knowing that all the resources of Rome were behind it. So when we yield to God, we become allied to infinite strength, wisdom, and all-suffi ciency, and the consecration we make to Him is small indeed com pared with His giving- of Himself to us in all His glorious fullness. —A. B. Simpson. ing Jericho, but now He has to deal with this thing. You have just entered thg Promised Land, and this thing must be put right.-=-W. W. Martin. 4. The Truth in Jesus “God bath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). Why is it “Christ” in one place and “Jesus” In the other? You see, you and I became acquainted with Him in the glory . . . We did not know Him on earth as Jesus . . . He, the glorified One, undertakes to show us how we ought to live . . . He points us back to the life Jesus lived on earth. There is the truth as to holy living, fully mani fested. There (s the truth in Jesus. —Harry A. Ironside. 5. Mighty Arms “The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot a t him, and hated him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob” (Gen. 49:23,24). What is the picture here? See this young boy, immature, weak, small! Is he able for the great task in front of Aim? No, put his father comes along. Ae bares his arms, reveals the strong, orawny muscles, and he takes hold of the arms of his little lad, and with his strong arms covering the boy’s, and his hands guiding and strengthening those of his son, the task is accomplished. “The mighty God of Jacob” is on our side, We are not left to struggle alone in a troubled world. —A London Journalist. 6. His Countenance “Let me see thy countenance, let me
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