King's Business - 1941-01



January, 1941

and it is work, and sometimes hard and difficult work—work that we will neg­ lect, If we are not very careful. I am not now talking about saying prayers . . . I am thinking about wrestling with God, coming into vital, personal, living touch with God as a daily habit. —Lionel B. Fletcher. 15. Dimensions of His Mercy “With the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption” (Psa. 130:7). There Is a breadth, and length, and depth, and height In this mercy1 . . . that can swallow up not only all th y sins, but all thy thoughts and imagina­ tions. This . . . shall be wondered a t to all eternity: that that river of mercy that a t first did seem to be but ankle deep should so rise, and rise, and rise, that a t last It became waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over!' —John Bunyan. 16. Redeeming the Time “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night com- eth, when no man can work” (John 9:4). Make use of time if thou valuest eternity. Yesterday cannot be recalled; tomorrow cannot be assured; today only is thine, which, If thou procrastinatest, thou losest, and it is lost forever. :—Jeremy Taylor. , In looking back upon my work In all these years, I can see more direct re­ sults of good through my individual ef­ forts for individuals than I can know of through all my spoken words to thou­ sands upon thousands of persons in religious assemblies or in all my written words.—H. Clay Trumbull. 17. The Perfecting of Love “Herein is our love made perfect” (1 John 4:17). How ? By dwelling in God and God in us. Love is not a manufacture; it is a fruit. It is not bom of certain works; it springs out of certain ^relations. It does not come from doing something; it comes from living with Somebody. “Abide in me.” That is how love is born, for “love Is of God,” and “God is love.” —The Pilot. 18. Tomorrow’s Burden ' “Take therefore n o . thought for the morrow: . . . Sufficient,unto the day Is the evil thereof” (Matt. 6:34). I have a perfect right to ask God for strength equal to the day, but I have no right to ask Him for one extra ounce of strength for tomorrow’s burden. When tomorrow comes, grace will come, suf­ ficient for the tasks, the trials, or the troubles. God never has built a Chris­ tian strong enough to stand the strain of present duties and all the tons of tomorrow’s duties and sufferings piled upon the top of them.—T. L. Cuyler.

19. Readiness “I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also” (Rom. 1:15). Readiness means submissiveness, waiting for orders. The apostle prayed for a pulpit, and he got a prison; but he conducted a campaign among the pris­ oners and gained converts. He was ready for any opportunity that might present itself, ready to preach the gos­ pel a t Rome,’ because here was some­ thing more powerful than Roman' arms, more regal than the Caesars, more en­ during than the empire. •—John MacBeath. 20. Declaring His Gospel “To declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God” (Rom. 3:25). Let us show men the awful danger of their condemnation, and a t the same time tell them that the condemnation has passed upon the head of one perfect Substitute. . . . It Is a glorious gospel which we have to preach—all fear taken away; all condemnation past; the peace that passeth all understanding within; the very smile of God upon our face; and our ears rejoicing in the Joyful sound of perfect reconciliation, the mu­ sic of the Father’s house. —George F. Trench. 21. The Will of God In Everything “A prosperous journey by the will of God” (Rom. 1:10). There is nothing with which Chris­ tians should be more habitually im­ pressed than that God is the disposer of events. They should look ‘to His will in the smallest concerns of life, as well as in affairs of the greatest moment. Even a prosperous voyage is from the Lord. In this way they glorify God by acknowledging His providence in all things, and have the greatest confidence and happiness in walking before Him. —Robert Haldane. 22. Hope In the Midst of Darkness “When tliese things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Lk. 21:28). The unrest grows, and nation feareth nation; Who, who can say what shall the next day bring? In every mind, in every rank and sta­ tion, Lurks thought about some coming hap­ pening. But, Christian, while the darkness truly thickens, While evils grow, and o’er the earth hold sway, The hope of His return the spirit quick­ ens— Look up! Look up* for He may come today. —J. Danson Smith.

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