King's Business - 1941-01



January, 1941

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE Fellowship Dinner For AH Former Biola Students

Jitsuo Morikawa, ’33, has been min­ istering in Los Angeles, Gardena, and Terminal Island, under the Baptist City Mission Society. He received the degree of Master of Theology in May of 1940 from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Earl Lindgren,* '24, Route 2, Box 442, Bellevue, Wash., has recently begun his duties as pastor of the Mission Covenant Church of Bellevue, after several years of service as pastor, in Nelson, B. C., Can. Herbert R f (’38) and Mrs Richard­ son, 2310 Redondo Beach Blvd., Redondo Beach, Calif., have been serving in the North Redondo Chapel, where Mr. Rich­ ardson is pastor. They have been prais­ ing the Lord especially for the pro­ portionately large number of young peo­ ple in the church, and for the spiritual growth manifested in their lives. Howard A. and Mrs. Smith and their two children, Ann, age five, and Ray, eight, sailed from Wilmington, Calif., on October 1 on the “President Cool- idge," intending to go to Shanghai and inland China, to engage in evangelistic work under the Christian and Mission­ ary Alliance. Due to conditions in the Orient, they were required by the United States Government to stop at Honolulu instead of proceeding to China. Late in November, Mr. Smith wrote from the Kokokahi Conference Grounds, Honolulu, T. H., that he was having opportunities for Christian ac­ tivity in the Islands and that he ex­ pected to visit a native church on one of the other islands of the group. For the year previous to sailing, Mr. Smith was in charge of the Extension Depart­ ment of the Bible Institute of - Los Angeles. Fred Wight, ’20, 284 Flower, Pasa­ dena, Calif., returned in the fall from a three-months’ tour of the East, where he represented the Biblical Research So­ ciety. He was a speaker a t the same conferences that Kenneth M. Monroe, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, addressed, the Montrose and Rosedale Conferences in Pennsylvania. Married Arthur W. English, ’38, and Jane Hen­ derson, Nov. 19, 1940, Alhambra, Calif. Edwin William Fish and Laura May Woosley, ’30, Nov. 5, 1940, Shanghai, China. Sterling F. Keyes, ’33, and Dorothy May Hart, Sept. 7, 1940, Seattle, Wash. Le Roy Alvin Shaver and H. Julianna Walker, Oct. 12, 1940. The home ad­ dress of Mr. and Mrs. Shaver is 524 E. J, Ontario, Calif. Douglas Wilson Skelton and Marilou Williams, Nov. 20, 1940, Lynwood, Calif. Born To Harland and Mrs. Huff (Grace Wilkins, ’34), a daughter, Barbara Har- lene, Oct. 25, 1940, Pasadena, Calif.

“Alumni'Day” of Torrey Memorial Bible Conference week, to be observ­ ed on Friday, January 24, is sched­ uled to include a fellowship dinner and program in nautical motif, at 5:45 p.m. in the Fishermen’s Club Boom at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dudley L. Girod, B.Th. ’38, President of the Biola Alumni Asso­ ciation, will be chairman of the meet­ ing. The theme for the evening is to be ships and the sea. The afternoon ses- representing three different Bible schools—the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and the Penn-« sylvania Bible Institute—held a “Bible Institute reunion" a t Fairview, Lan- dour, Mussoorie, U.P., India, some time ago. Those present from Biola were Mrs. J. R. Duerksen (Christena Harder, ’19), Aron E. (’31) and Mrs. Jantzen (Kathryn Louthan, ’30), and Jean E. Mitchell, ’35. All except Mrs. Duerksen are students at the Landour Language School. Earlier in the summer Don (’32) and Mrs. Hillis had had a vacation at Landour. The new mail address for Mr. and Mrs. Jantzen is Korba, via Kat- ghora, C.P., India. Harry and Mrs. Hurlburt (Alice Phair), Oicha Station, Irumu Beni Rbute, via Mombasa, E. Africa, members of the Africa Inland Mission, write of their joy in the improved health of their little daughter, Shirley, and add: “We feel like giving a special testimony to the Lord’s goodness in providing for us, spiritually and temporally. We listen to the radio each evening almost dreading what we may hear. May the Lord work out His purpose and get praise even from the *wrath of man.’ The hope of the righteous reign of Christ is more precious than ever to all of us, I’m sure.” Ordinations Institute graduates who have been or­ dained to the gospel ministry recently include Peter Becker, B.Th. ’39, Sept. 29, F irst Mennonite Church, Aberdeen, Ida.: C. Joseph Kopp, ’38, Nov. 16, Hart­ ford Baptist Church, Hartford, Wash.; Woodrow Rood, ’87, Oct. 22, Melrose Baptist Church, Oakland, Calif., and Christian F. Ummel, ’40, Nov. 10, Em­ manuel Mennonite Church, Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Rood (Ruth Tovey, ’38) have gone to San Diego, Calif., In Foreign Lands Eleven missionaries,

sions are to be held in connection with the Torrey Memorial Bible Confer­ ence. At 8:00 p.m. the group expects to adjourn to the main auditorium for the evening session of the,conference. This gathering is open not only to graduates of the Institute, but to other i former students as w,ell. As accommodations are limited, reserva­ tions for the dinner must be made In advance through Helen J. White, ’20, Secretary of the Alumni Association, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. where Mr. Rood is serving as assistant pastor in the First Baptist Church. With Mrs. Ummel (’39), Mr. Ummel has been engaged in work among California mi­ grants. Their address is P. O. Box 1441, Shaftçr, Calif. Fellowship o f Prem illennialists Monthly meetings of the Southern California Premillennial-Prophetic Asso­ ciation provide opportunity for fellow­ ship among pastors and other Christian leaders who are vitally concerned with the relation of the prophetic Word to their ministry. The programs feature addresses on current prophetic problems, given by leading ministers and Bible teachers. Meeting on the third Monday of each month in the Fishermen’s Club Room with a luncheon a t 12:30 for pas­ tors, the group opens the meeting to the public at 1:15. For the January session, the group plans to hold on Monday, January 20, a program in conjunction with the Torrey Memorial Bible Confer­ ence. Frank S. Sutherland, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Tabernacle of Los Angeles, is President of the Association, and W. R. Hale, Su­ perintendent of Men a t the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, is Secretary-Treas­ urer. Spreading the Word Percy Crawford, '26, Box 1, Philadel­ phia, Pa., pastor of the Young Peo­ ple’s Church of the Air, has been speak­ ing on a nation-wide hook-up of the Mutual Network, Sundays, 12:30 to 1:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (for sta­ tions farther east see local radio an­ nouncements). This program, emphasiz­ ing an appeal for personal acceptance of Christ as Saviour, presents a testi­ mony which members of the Biola fam­ ily will wish to hear and to recommend to the many who are able to listen to gospel programs at this convenient hour.

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