King's Business - 1941-01

January, 1941

T B S K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Around the King s Table E D I T O R I A L

Wherein we fail, however, is that we depend upon ourselves or on others. We are unwilling to lean hard on Him whose strength is unlimited. But “when my weakness leaneth on His might, all is right,” 4. Divine Cooperation. "I.1will help thee.” * The sweet and practical thought resi­ dent in this particular revelation of God is that if the burden is too great for us, our divine Helper will graciously assist' us. He offers to carry the heaviest end of the load. And is it not blessed to know that we can boldly say, “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” ? Are you in need of help—spiritually, physically, or ma­ terially? Well, help has been placed upon One who is mighty. So, throughout this New Year, let there come a daily appropriation of the proffered help of the Almighty God. 5. Divine Security. “I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteous­ ness.”^ What an encouraging promise this is for 1941! What more do we need as we face the unknown future? Surely it is wonderful to realize that we can be held in the grasp of the very hand that formed and upholds the world! The hand of righteousness, so full in the dispensing of rewards and punishment^, is laden with the security and sus­ tenance we will require as the days of another year slip by. Upheld with His right hand! Then, how can we sink, or fail, or fall? Under­ neath are the everlasting- arms. Hand in hand in God! Is there any greater privilege than this ? We stand at. the portal of another year, and the, way before us may be hard and perilous. What experiences are to - confront us are graciously hidden from our eyes. We do not know the way,- but we do know the Guide, and with our hand in His we believe that safety will be ours as we journey over the dusty lanes of earth.—Louis T. Talbot. Carry On! “Moses answered and said, But, be­ hold, they will not believe me, nor hearken to my voice” (Ex. 4:1). Often in these days of increasing apostasy and unbelief, servants of God, as clearly commissioned as was Moses, entertain some such thought as the above.

A New Year Prayer

A Great Prom ise fo r 1 9 4 1 , In the goodness of God we have been privileged to come to another year. What it holds for each one of' us, our heavenly leather alone knows! We can, however, rest in the fact that He has anticipated every need that will non* front us and has made provision accord« ingly. His prdcioua Word assures us of His unfailing care. Here, for example, is a wonderful promise for the days ahead: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isa. 41:10). The New Year opens with the nations of the earth locked together in a grim struggle. All the horrors of war are being carried over into 1941. In fact, the turmoil of et&th becomes mors manifest as time rolls on. Yet, for the child of God, there is no cause for fear. Fear is the child of unbelief. Faith is the offspring of a confidence bom of God. Fear leads to failure—faith to vic­ tory. From the marginal note on our verse we find th a t the command, “Be . not dismayed,” can be translated, “Look not around thee.” And what practical advice this is! There is not much to en­ courage us in the chaotio condition of the earth. Anxiety, perplexity, and dis­ may are all around. So we are not to look around, but to look up to where God rules and overrules. The storms may be raging around, but above, the sun Is shining. We must look up, for our redemption draweth nigh. Let us think of the fivefold encour­ agement the Prophet Isaiah’s word from God holds for our troubled hearts. L Divine Presence. “I am with thee.” God promises to be with us, not merely in times of trouble but also when the seas are calm. Without the Lord so near, we have every reason to be afraid. As a child is comforted, even in the dark, when he knows that his mother is near, holding his little hand, so the presence of Jesus Christ is our consolation when the dark and difficult hours come. Let us take hold of His promise to be with us always, as we step out on the untrodden pathway of an­ other year. 2. Divine Assurance. “I am. thy God.” Our great God assures us that His infinite resources are a t the disposal of the weakest of His children. He stoops to each one’s need, mighty as He is. He

"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee . . a’*

"Looking unto JESUS a a a”

“Till he « 00 ) 6 ’'

will not stand by and see with indiffer­ ence any of His followers injured or overcome by thé enemy. Our foe is His foe. Satan hates God and all who love Him. Yet the Lord Jesus Christ has vanquished the devil, and by His power we are well able to tread him under our feet. And is it not blessed to realize that each of us can' claim God as his very own? “I am thy God” ! Do you believe that all He has in strength, wisdom, and provision are at your disposal? De­ termine to make 1941 a year when you will prove God. 3. Divine Succor. “I will strengthen thee.” We are far too slow to learn "that the secret of strength is often the con­ sciousness of Our own weakness. “When I am weak, then am I strong.” Through the power of Christ resting upon them, the weakest of God’s people win the mightiest victories. Mantled with His power, one is able to chase a thousand and to put ten thousand to flight.

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