T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1941
Palestinian villages today are literal ly “unwalled,” with no visible means of defense. And when we remember that the Jews are to return under the pro tection of the Roman prince who is to make a covenant with them and guaran tee their national integrity, it is easy to see that God’s ancient people will turn their attention wholly to commer cial, agricultural, cultural, and religious pursuits, rather than to military pre paredness. An Attack “Like a Storm” The northern confederacy under Gog s leadership will come upon the land “like a storm.” The war that is to be waged is compared to a “cloud” that covers the land. How aptly this description fits modern sky warfare! When we think of the man-power and natural re sources of Russia, combined with the mechanized implements of war and the military effieiency of Germany, we can well imagine what an army and air force will come from such an alliance. In hatred of God and the Jew, “the prince of Rosh” and his confederates will invade Palestine. We know that Russia is against God, His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Bible. But her program seeks not only the elimination of the name of God from the earth, but also the extermination of those who profess to believe in Him and His Word. In the eyes of godless Russians, the Jews are mainly responsible for the things of God and of Christ. Did not the Jews produce the Bible? Did not the Messiah come through the nation of Israel? Is not the conception of the one living and true God a heritage of the monotheism of the Hebrews? So with his mind made up as to the advan tages of attaining his purpose, the prince of Russia will plot his invasion of the land of the Jews. “To take a spoil” (v. 12), therefore, he will swoop down upon his prey.
“The desolate places” shall have be come inhabited, and the people that are gathered out of the nations shall have “gotten cattle and goods.” The land* filled with thé children of Israel will be rich, with much wealth to tempt avari cious dictators. The Opposition to this Invasion of Palestine In verse 13 of our chapter we read of a protest to this invasion by oppos ing nations. . . . Three countries and their allies will question the right of the northern confederacy to invade the Holy Land. There seems no doubt but that “Sheba” and “Dedan” represent the peoples near the land of Palestine, near the Red Sea. Their protest evi dently wiil be ineffective and powerless. Fear will so possess “Sheba” and “De- dan” and “Tarshish” that they will not be able to render effective aid to suf fering Israel in that terrible time. But some one will ask,“Does not Great Britain hold a protectorate over Pales tine today ?” Yes, she does. But when the Antichrist is revealed, after the translation of the church, then—if not before—Palestine will come under his dominion; for the land of Israel was a part of the old Roman Empire. It would be speculation to suggest how this will be brought to pass; but even in our own time, such a situation is far from incon ceivable. And we know that “the king of the north” will be the great antago nist of the Antichrist in the end time. God’s Righteous Wrath Outpoured A far mightier hand than that of Tarshish is to be extended against Gog and his minions, and a far more au thoritative voice than that of the Ro man dictator is to speak. This fact is made plain in Ezekiel 38:18. We talk a great deal about the mercy and long-suffering of our God, and well we may! His mercy is as high as the heavens, and His long-suffering beyond all human comprehension. But let me tell you that there is surely coming a day of wrath .of Almighty God against His enemies and against the enemies of His people. His righteous indigna tion will be turned against. Israel’s foes. His tender love for His chosen people will be manifest, even as He said in Genesis 12:3, “I will . . . curse him that curseth thee/’ Today God still restrains His handj “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” But I do want to warn you most solemnly that the patience of God will one day be exhausted. The issue before you now is: Are you ready to meet God? Have your sins been washed away in the blessed fountain of cleansing opened by Christ as He hung upon the cross of Calvary? Have you been made “a new creature” by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit? If you have not, let me beg of you that you do not delay.
THE INVASION OF PALESTINE [Continued from Page 12] Invading by any one. But with the rapid development of the natural re sources of that land, the picture is en tirely changed today. Almost Incalcu lable wealth is hidden in the waters of the Dead Sea. Chemicals are stored there that would fertilize the soil for the production of crops to feed the mil lions of Europe; chemicals that are vital to the munitions factories of the war ring nations; chemicals, for which coun tries will battle to the death. We do not need to stretch our imag inations unduly to understand why many nations are already casting greedy eyes toward that land which the Spirit of God calls “the pleasant land.” Without a doubt the governmental philosophy of that day will be that the coalition of nations controlling Palestine, with its minerals and oil, will also control the military destinies of the world. When these things come to pass, many Jews will be back in Palestine. Just as surely as God has scattered the chil dren of Israel, just so surely will He keep His promise to regather them. There are today some five hundred,thou- sand Jews in Palestine. I suppose that if the immigration restrictions were to be entirely removed, the number of Jews in the land would jump to five million by 1950. There may be a speedy settlement of the trouble there between the Jews and Arabs and a much wider opening through which the Jews may pour into their land. And certainly be fore any of the events of Ezekiel 38 can transpire, there must be many Jews es tablished there. In fact, they must be dwelling all over the land in “unwalled villages . . . having neither bars nor gates.” They must be dwelling “safely,” “a t rest,” without fear of invasion. '
TBDITS AND TRACTS OF TORREY Edited by LOUIS T. TALBOT # In commemoration of the eighty-fifth anniversary of the birth of R. A. Torrey (January 28, 1941), the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has made available, in an attractive book of 128 pages (art paper binding), a collection of some of this great teacher’s writings. These articles by Torrey appeared first as tracts and leaflets which have been widely used. • Some of the titles are: The Second Coming The Deity of Jesus How to Grow in Grace How to Make a Success of the Christian Life The book also contains an appreciation of the -man himself—“Torrey as a Man, Evangelist, and Teacher”—by Herbert Lockyer. PRICE 50 CENTS THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.
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