THH K I N G ’ S B U S l t f l S l
January, 1941
Be Y o u r O w n M U S IC Teacher LEARN AT HOME
but th a t you look to Christ and be saved. The Lord’s “Sword” Against Gog As this shaking of the land is the prelude to destruction of the vast host of Gog, we note in verses 21 to 23 that it is to be completed by the use of a mighty sword. What is1 the sword which will be called to slay the great host of the prince of Russia? Is it not the sword of God as He alone fights the battle against Gog ? Is not the sword in this case the soul-terrifying earthquake with its de molishing and leveling of everything? Great ocean tidal waves could easily send to the bottom mighty dreadnaughts of the northern navy, absolutely nulli fying all sea travel. Atmospheric tor nadoes couid bring every airplane and dirigible to the ground in flames. More- D eep,,scholarly, and yet intensely interest ing are ' these studies in Messianio prophecy by Dr. Reich, a noted Hebrew C hristian and a member of th e'facu lty of the Moody Bible In stitu te of Chicago. The book h as special significance in view of the present world u n rest and .the effect th a t this condition is hav- upon the Jew ish people. The author points out th a t “once again*-we see th a t one Face, which fa r from vanishing, stands out in its m ajesty and beauty, front the ancient pages. Messianic prophecy is coming into its own again." A sserting th a t “the w orth of C hris tian ity depends upon the dependablenesa of the Old T estam ent/' he proves th a t although “the traditional veil of prejudice still hides from the eye of the Jew . . . the glory of the L ord in the Old Testam ent, the hour is not far d istan t when the lonely and hungry h eart of Israel will tu rn to the Lord.” 134 pages. W in, B. Eèrdm aïis Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Know Your Bible Volume II B y W. GRAHAM SCROGGIE In the first volume in th is set of analyti cal studies. Dr. ScrOggie dealt w ith thè books of the Old Testam ent. T he present volume covers the N ew , Testam ent, furnishing an introduction an d an analysis pf .ea.ch of the tw enty-seven books. In compact form, there is given a w ealth of inform ation covering authorship, style, the occasion for w riting, and the purpose of each book. In the section dealing w ith Revelation, an excellent ch art is included. These studies by Dr. Scroggie are “intended to lay the foundation for^ future study”—and a firm foundation it is. 370 pages. Pickerixfg & Inglis. Cloth. Price $3.00. To These Also B y BERTHA B. MOORE T his story pictures m issionary life and f problems in the Island of Cuba. Essentially, t is th e account of the struggles of one Marcos, a fifteen-year-old Cuban lad, from the tim e he firs t hears the gospel, message until he is ready ’to tak e a place of real re sponsibility in the work of evangelizing his native land. D raw n to the m ission house first by a desire for m aterial gain, he is won to , the Saviour. From then on, as he breaks w ith Rom an Catholicism and seeks to live a life o f purity and enter into th e service ol his new-found Lord, tem ptations are m any and sometimes he falls, b u t alw ays there is grow th in grace, 216 pages. Wm. B. Eerdm ans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00. The Messianio Hope of Israel By MAX L RE ICH
over, G od’s sw ord w ill d o u b tless in clu d e pestilence and blood, with torrential rain and hailstones, fire and brimstone. Nor will this be all, for in the black, weird confusion that will follow the fury of the elemental upheavals, “every man’s sword shall be against his brother,” and through this will be wrought a great slaughter. By the complete overthrow and anni hilation of the invading army, Almighty God will become known among the na tions. Israel will be preserved, and God will be glorified. And this will be a step toward that time when “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:9). After the horrors of the days of the tribulation have cleared away, He whose right it is to reign will set up His everlasting kingdom that will never be destroyed. May the God of all grace hasten that time! In this book, which h as for a subtitle. “H ave We Forgotten the Holy Spirit?” th e w ork of the Holy Spirit is m agnified in the pulpit, pew, an d ,Bible School, w ith special em phasis upon H is w otk in soul-win ning. Reading this message, one is imbued with a passion to give the Holy Spirit His proper place in every phase of m inistry. The booklet is really a compact course in the doctrine of th e T hird Person of the T rinity. T h e application of its admonitions certainly will give, “more power 'to the church.” 76 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Papier. Price 35 cents^ . Scripture Memorizing for Successful Soul-Winning By OSCAR LOWRV T h at D r. L ow ry's method of Scripture memorization is a practical one is attested by the fact th a t his book on th is subject is now in its fourth edition. Even adults who have never memorized Scripture find it possible, using this plan, to gain a work ing knowledge of the W ord of God.. T his is a book which, prayerfully used« will open the w ay to effective C hristian service. 192 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . , Further Adventures of the Sugar Creek Gang B y PAUL HUTCHENS The “S ugar Creek G ang” Is m ade up of live-wire Junior boys , who love the Lord Jesus C hrist as much as they love th eir fun. The book is the th ird of a series of stories to ld /in the language of a Junior himself. I t is full of clever tu r n s ,of boyish descrip tion and plenty of excitement. The antics of L ittle Jim 's bear cub, “Triangle,” and the kindly interest of Old, M an Padlock of the m ountain cabin do m uch to keep up the lively movement of the story. 88 pages. Wm . B. Eerdm ans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price 50 cents. Timely Prophetio Considerations By FREDER IC W FARR , HOWARD W . KELLOGG, and K E IT H L. BROOKS In stead of giving the more usual chrono logical consideration of prophecies dealing w ith this present age, this group of twelve Bible studies' deals w ith aspects of prophecy which have caused differences of" opinion am ong Bible interpreters. ' Several of these subjects have long been “unfinished questions” in the m inds o f m any of the L o rd 's people. -Consequently, a book which deals w ith them in a lucid m anner is distinctly “timely.” 78 pages. American Prophetio League, Inc Paper. Price 50 cents. More Power to the Church B y DAVID M. DAWSON
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