King's Business - 1941-01

of SunJay School Lessons

Fastest Gr owi ng Lesson Series in the Na tion A ll Bible in Content

Why Not Allow YOUR Sunday School To Grow All Four Quarters with the

500% Increase (last Summer over previous) is the trium phant record of the SUPERIOR SUMMER SCHOOL SERIES School series answ ers the question “ How to Interest ‘unchurched’ children?” Man­ uals and Work Books for each departm ent — BEGIN­ NERS’ through INTERMEDI­ ATE!—som ething for the child TO DO. Teachers’ 25c each. Work Bocks, 10c each. PLAN NOW for next summer!

Every Day Two Sunday Schools Adopt This Lesson Series

Fully meets the spiritual needs of Pupils and Teachers. Tested and proved by thousands of schools. Imparts new interest and zeal—Increases attendance— Wins Souls! This is the unfailing record of the All Bible Graded Series of Sunday School Lessons, Clarence H. Benson, Editor-in-Chief. Graded by Departments The growing popularity of this approved Lesson Series is largely due to its unique ALL-BIBLE Plan. Conforms also to the sound pedagogical principle of Departmental Grading—all classés of each department study the same lesson each Sunday. Surmounts all disadvantages of uniform lessons and closely graded lessons. Uniform lessons cover only 35% of the Bible and fail to satisfy diverse interests of varying age groups. Closely graded lessons make correlating, worship or expressional work, substituting teachers or combining classes difficult or impossible. A Soul-Winning Series Try the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES to solve your teaching and attendance problems as other progressive schools are doing. Test its power to win souls the only way, the Bible way. Prove its might in attracting the unreached and building membership. Mail coupon below. You will be amazed and delighted with the rich treasure of Bible truths as presented by this series. Practical — Economical

ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES? Begin NOW to use t h i s s o u l - wi n n i n g

“ W e JLike y o u r lesso n s because th ey so ex alt th e W o rd o f G od.”— A ri­ zona. “ O u r a tten d an ce in creased over 500% in six y e a rs.”— P e n n syl­ vania. “ W e believe y o u r lite ra tu re unexcelled a n d recom m end it h ig h ­ ly.”— Ohio. B eginners

“ These lessons are tried and proven. Interest is grow ing and oh, how good I feel to know we are doing God’s will regarding these little tots.”— Montana. *“We are praising the Lord for your Bible lessons. Our Beginners’ class has doubled.”— Pennsylvania. Prim ary

CHURCH SCHOOL PROMOTER A m onthly m agazine that m eets the challenge of Sun­ day School problem s w ith f iractical m ethods, stim ulat- ng suggestions and inspir­ ing experiences. $ 1.00 a year; 5 or m ore, 80c a year. Foreign, add 25c each. Sam­ ple copy, 10c. MAIL COUPON This com plete, evangelical, Bible-centered teaching sys­ tem reaps spiritual fr u it- starts attendance grow th.

Teachers* m anuals (only 25c each), Pupils* m anuals (only 10c each) for B eginners’, Prim ary, Junior, Interm ediate


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and Senior \ D epart- \m e n ts .

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“W ell pleased w ith your P rim ary Lessons. The pres­ entation of the Gospel is so sim ple and so in terestin g ,” —N ew Jersey. *“ Your Prim ary Lessons surpass by far any th a t we have seen since we s ta rte d our search for a real Bible study for youngsters .”—N ew York. Junior


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Compendium of 7SO Sunday School Lessons F R E E to all readers of King’s Business who fill in the coupon

“My Juniors like their m anuals very much, w ith such up-to-date ideas which make reading their Bible fu n and help them retain th a t knowledge. We are all for ‘All Bible.* ”—N ew York. *“I m arvel a t the wealth of in­ form ation th a t even a young child can acquire by faithful study of the Junior Lesson m aterial.”— Minnesota. In term ed iate

THE SCRIPTURE PRESS 800 N. Clark Street, Dept. KB-1, Chicago, lllii



The Scripture Press, Inc.

Dept. KB-1 800 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois

“The class is genuinely enthusiastic. We hope to use one Sunday evening service very soon for a dem onstration of how much we have learned about the Bible .”— N orth Carolina. *“There has been a definite spiritual aw aken­ ing and th a t m eans a lot to the boys and girls in their fight for spiritual freedom, and victory over evil.”— Minnesota. Sen ior

Please send me Free Compendium of 790 Lessons of the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES. also sample copies (previous quarters) of Lesson Manuals for.............. I enclose 10c toward mailing cost. I am □ Superintendent, □ Director of Religious Education, □ Teacher, □ Pastor of...

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“ The Senior m anuals have proven a wonderful help in my class of high school boys. Faith in God’s Word is being firmly implanted. May the good work continue.” —Oklahoma. *“I wish I could begin to tell you how my class of ten young women from 18 to 22 years have enjoyed their study and w hat a deep spiritual value it


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