{January, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C , and San Diego, California Humanly speaking, there are insuper able difficulties in the way of preaching the Word of God. We run against the rankest of unbelief. Men challenge us with: - “How do you know God has spoken ?” We are called visionary and unscientific. Our first thought is to sit down with Moses and lament the skep ticism of our congregation, knowing what a lot of stiffnecks they are. “They will not believe me.” What’s the use ? Alas, many an eminent serv ant of God, today finds himself at times utterly depressed over the situation. Only one thought can rouse us to carry on. The spiritual laborer has less to do with the unbelief of his yhearers than he has with the instruction and authority of the Word of God. The Word itself is “quick, and powerful.” Did we not know this, we would never get to first base in spiritual work. Every preacher, teacher, and soul- winner must understand that doubts will be cast upon his authority, but it does not devolve upon him to meet un belief with ingenious replies. His busi ness is to keep witnessing with a “thus saith the Lord” in the power of the grace of God. The Spirit of God works when we use His Sword. Here is one of the most difficult les sons for preachers, teachers, and lay workers to grasp. It is God alone who [Continued on Page 37] Most of our state school systems are officially “godless.” Religion has no place on the teaching curricula. God is not recognized; He is ignored. Eighty per cent of our school children are spir itually and Scripturally illiterate. Nei ther a t home, nor in school, nor in church do they receive any religious instruction whatsoever. We spend bil lions to teach young people how to make a living and how to use guns and how to be “good citizens.” The totalitarian countries do the same—Italy, Germany, Japan, and Russia; they teach their youth to serve the State. Nazi, Fascist, and Communist countries are officially “godless” ; they design to bring up a young generation that owes supreme allegiance only to the State. Is it, also, part of our way of life that youth shall grow up in godlessness and paganism? Lawlessness, materialism, godlessness, paganism, immorality—are these to be considered elements of America’s way An Outstanding Conference With Outstanding Preachers! Inspiration of the Conference— OUR WAYWARD “WAY OF LIFE”: • We live in an age in which men think widely and loosely, broadly but seldom deeply. Slogans and catch phrases are endlessly repeated, but infrequently un derstood or thought through. At the moment, we hear a great deal about mobilization for the “defense of our way of life.” But neither before nor since the election have we heard any clear and concise answers to the natural ques tion : What is our way of life ? The thoughtful citizen must pause and wonder. The Department of Justice in forms us that four million of our citizens have prison records. Crime is our larg est single industry, costing fifteen bil lions of dollars a year. Is lawlessness an element in our pattern of life ? One out of every four marriages ends in di vorce; the rupture of marital relations and moral standards is accepted, appar ently, as permissible behavior. The Sur geon-General of the United States ad vises that millions of our citizens are victims of the plagues associated with immorality. Is moral paganism a part of our way of life?
The Torrey Memorial Bible Conference revolves around the Fundamentals of the Faith that Reuben Archer Torrey ably preached and taught as Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1912 to 1924. Period of the Conference— January 19 to 26, 1941. Seven wonderful days. Sessions in forenoon, afternoon, and evening of each day except Saturday. Center of the Conference— The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, California. All roads lead to South Hope Street where our stately buildings stand.
Preachers of the Conference— F. John Scroggie of London, England R. E. Neighbour of Elyria, Ohio. Theme of the Conference—
James McGinlay of London, Ontario, Canada
Many other speakers.
“Things Which Cannot Be Shaken'”
Hope of the Conference Committee— That thousands of Christians, including YOU, will attend.
Alumni of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are especially invited to return to the school for the entire week, not merely for Alumni Day, January 24. This is to be an alumni conference as well as a program for present students and Los Angeles residents. TORREY MEMORIAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated 558 South Hope Street Lot Angeles, California
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