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Winnicott, D. W. (1971) The place where we live. In Playing and reality , Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985, pp. 122-29. Winnicott, D. W. (1988) Human nature . London: Free Association Book. Winnicott, D. W. [1989]: Psychoanalytic explorations , Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Wright, J. S. and Panksepp, J. (2014). An evolutionary framework to understanding foraging, Wanting and desire: The Neuropsychology of the SEEKING system. Neurospsychoanal 14:5-39. Zikles K (2006). Architektonik und funktionelle Neuroanatomie der Hirnrinde des Menschen. In: Neurobiologie Psychischer Störungen (Architecture and Functional Neuroanatomy of the Human Cerebral Cortex. In: Neurobiology of Mental Disorders). Fröstl H, Hautzinger M and Roth G (eds.). Heidelberg: Stringer, pp. 77-140.
Consultores regionales y autores :
América Latina: Abel Fainstein, M.D., Master in Psychoanalysis; Maria Elisa Mitre, Psychologist; Clara Nemas, MD
Europa: Steven Groarke, PhD in cooperation with Arne Jemstedt, MD; Jane Milton, MD; Antonio Peréz-Sanchéz, MD; Michael Šebek, PhD; and Maria Vittoria Costantini, MD Norte América: Otto Kernberg, MD; Harold Blum, MD Allannah Furlong, PhD; Linda A. Mayers, PhD; Eva D. Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP; Arnold Goldberg, MD; Judith Mitrani, PhD; Leigh Tobias, PhD, Marcel Hudon, MD; Wilfrid Reid, MD
Copresidenta y coordinadora interregional: Eva D. Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP
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