Board Converting News, April 26, 2021

Acme Corrugated Box (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1 )

us that we have a duty to meet the future with confidence and forbearance. And I believe that when we complete our expansion, our facility will be the envy of other converters.” The approximately 30 percent in- crease in the facility’s footprint will allow for a 50 percent increase in manufac- turing capacity. The new construction will house a new high-speed Fosber 110-inch doublewall corrugator line, which will replace a Fosber 98-inch corrugator. Once the new corrugator is operational, the 98-incher will be decommissioned, disassembled and moved. In its place will be added a WIP system distinct to the U.S. and designed to allow the total automation of sheet transfer to converting machine centers. Bob Cohen

Philadelphia’s dusty streets in search of customers. He found plenty, and soon added reclaimed corrugated box- es to satisfy the diverse needs of the bustling city. Just two decades later, Edward had incorporated and moved his operation indoors in Center City Philadelphia. The end of WWII brought increased prosperity, and as the economy grew, so did the company. Seven decades later, in 2021, it’s still “business as usu- al,” and the company is still growing, still prospering, with Bob Cohen, 73, owning the company and the third genera- tion firmly entrenched: Erik, 46, is Acme’s top salesperson; Jeremy, 43, is the company’s Vice President of Operations; and Alex, 28, who joined the company a year-and-a-half ago, is one of Acme’s front line supervisors, all of whom will be writing the next chapters of the “classic tale of an independent box maker’s hard work, family commitment, and achievement of the American Dream.” Overall Optimism “The expansion plans were actually in place before the pandemic hit, but in July of last year we paused – along with the rest of the industry – to re-evaluate our commit- ment and we determined that there was still the need to expand,” says Jeremy. Adds Bob, “As a sign of our overall optimism, we contin- ued with our plans fully aware that there will be uncertain- ty coming out of a pandemic. Still, the signs we saw told

The 110-inch corrugator will allow Acme to produce its current flute offer- ings of C, B, D, E and BC, BD and ED double wall flutes, with the possibility of some additional offerings. “We will also continue to perform a lot more detailed testing,” says Jeremy.

Jeremy Cohen

“We believe that we are intrinsically a structural box pro- ducer and as such we do quite a bit of internal testing to ensure the box we are producing meets the requirements of the product being packed.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 32

Delivering ultra-high performance S Board ™ liner and medium grades and world-class technical service. Bonus: those boxes make really awesome places to play


April 26, 2021

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