September 2024 Volume 5 Edition 2

For many years, the collaboration between the Placer Union High School District, the Auburn Police Department, and the Placer County Sheriff’s Office has ensured that our students, staff, and campus communities receive up-to-date information about trending drugs and other harmful matters, partnership during emergencies on our campuses, event security, and the presence of School Resource Officers (SROs) on our premises.

The SROs play a crucial role in supporting our Administration during incidents requiring law enforcement intervention. Equally significant is their exceptional work in building connections with our students on our campuses. This year, we welcome two new SROs to the team and aim to recognize all the dedicated individuals working in our high schools. SGT. JASON WELSH 1. How long have you been in law enforcement? Almost 20 years. I started at the

Sacramento Police Department in 2005 2. Do you have a "best thing" you remember about your high school experience? Playing soccer and driving to school when I turned 16 3. What do you like to do outside of work (hobbies)? Outdoors activities, fishing, camping, watersports 4. What's your favorite food? Probably rib eye steak

5. What's your favorite travel destination? Maui or going on cruises. Both are super relaxing 6. Any fun facts about you that you'd like to share? I grew up in Ohio and I’m a huge OSU Buckeyes fan 7. What are you looking forward to this school year? Building on our strong partnership with the schools in the county 8. Tell us about your family. I am married to a nurse who works at a local area hospital, my son graduated from UC Davis and lives in Loomis, and my daughter is a junior at Del Oro. Sgt. Welsh oversees the SRO Program

DEPUTY ADAM OTTINGER Del Oro High School 1. How long have you been in law enforcement? Since 2006 2. Do you have a "best thing" you remember about your high school experience (involved in sports, activities, etc.)? Playing in the band 3. What do you like to do outside of work (hobbies)? Fishing and Hunting 4. What's your favorite food? Pizza 5. What's your favorite travel destination? One day I would like to see many different parts of the world. 6. What are you looking forward to this school year? Positive interactions with the students!

Deputy Ottinger has served at DO for about three years

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