King's Business - 1959-06

JUNE, 1959 25c

to a @ o c c e to e C w i

Y O U N G A N I M A L S by Walter L. Wilson Ph il K e rr and His M usica l F riends


O ffic ii publication of 'he Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc,

W ha t is a Good H om e ? by J . Edgar Hoover

the beginning o f a new ERA BIO I j A











THE KINGS BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles/ Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President *

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JUNE, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred ond Fifty-Nine

Vol. 50, No. 6

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


HOW TO BE A CAMP COUNSELOR ................ 8 VICTORIOUS LIVING IS FOR YOU — Don Hillis .............................. 10 JOINING HANDS FOR REVIVAL .............................................................. 12 MISSING IN HEAVEN — Paul Nevin ....................................................... 15 CATALOGING AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS — Arnold Ehlert ...... 18 WE NEED CHRISTIAN PARENTS— Henry Jacobson ....................... 25 THE HAPPY HOME — Gordon Chilvers .................................................. 26 WHAT IS A GOOD HOME — J. Edgar Hoover ...................................... 27 YOUNG ANIMALS — Walter L. Wilson .................................................. 34 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha Hooker ...... ............................... 37 VESSELS OF HONOR — Ruth Samarin ...................... ..... ............... 40 Features EDITORIAL — S. H. Sutherland ..............................................................— 4 BOOK REVIEWS— Arnold Ehlert ..................... .................................... 20 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul 3ayles .................................................. 28 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ............................... 29 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .............................................................. 29 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ............................................... 30 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 31 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .............................................................. 32 TALKS TO TEENAGERS — Betty Bruechert ............................. ..... 36 CHURCH RECREATION— Jim Slevcove ............................................... 41 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry .................................................... 42 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ................................. 43 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ....................................................... .... 45 BROADCASTING TODAY — Al Sanders ............................................... 46 THE KING'S BUSINESS STORY— Betty Bruechert ............ ................ 50 Columns READER REACTION .......................................................... 6 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .............. 7 CAMPING GUIDE ........................................................................................... 23 HOMILETICAL HELPS .............................................................................. 33 TOWN AND CAMPUS ____________________ ___________ ___________ 44 DISC PERSONALITIES .......................... 47 Cover This month's Christian home theme is appropriately carried out on our cover with the picture of the bride and her attendant. The June bride is Miss Peggy McReynolds (soon to become Mrs. Jim Gilleran) of our own KING'S BUSINESS staff. Helping her for the important occasion is Mrs. Janiece Talbert, another member of the BIOLA staff and secre­ tary to Mr. Al Sanders. The Christian home features begin on page 25. — A ll Rights Reserved — S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton ..................

T he P roblem This is an age of complex human problems with deep moral and spiritual consequences. Old foun-' dations have crumbled and a sense Iof insecurity grips the heart of man. T he S olution IAs Christians, we have the answer. IThe next question is how best can lwe witness in such times? Wit­ nessing to the typical modern per­ son often requires a very special approach. In literally millions of leases one tool-the Holy Spirit has Iused for this purpose is the Ser- 1 mons From Science films. IT he B asis of O peration (The underlying purpose behind |these Moody films is to inspire Ifaith in God. The scientific ap- Iproach appeals to people of all Iages and of all walks of life. 1Reaching the technically trained is often a difficult problem...but not with Sermons From Science! \ IThese people appreciate the sub- Iject matter, the accurate treatment, the painstaking ''photography as | . is to YOU as an individual to Itake the gospel to those around ] you. Use Sermons From Science \ I films in: •your church’s outreach • your home to reach neighbors • the factory, office, business • civic and other clubs IT he N ext S tep Write for the free color catalog | Idescribing all the Sermons From I Science films and how they are | available on rental from an au­ thorized dealer near you. Ask for | catalog No. 905-M. well as the message. |T he C hallenge

ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage poid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $ 1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be mode by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'


JUNE, 1959



o L o J / ? There is fast passing from the American vocabulary some strong, searching words. Not often anymore do we hear such terms as "character, moral fiber, integrity, unselfish­ ness, self-control, service, industry, perseverance, ded­ ication to an ideal or a task." In their place is a whole new brood of expressions, hatched in large measure from the philosophy of our day, "frustrations, self-expression, inhibitions, inner conflicts, repressed emotions, mal­ adjustments, neuroses" and the like. No longer is it ac­ ceptable to urge young people to give attention to the development of character; instead they are to be taught to lA Jo rdô cJdoòt o & iâ c ip f i nei " cdjoâ í Cjl e n e ra tio n

live with their frustrations and to de­ velop their personalities. It is unpop­ ular to speak of self-discipline; instead young people are to be instructed to give vent to repressed desires. One is not to impress upon them the need of self- control ; instead they are to be encouraged to rid themselves of their inhibitions. In place of an emphasis upon integrity of life and purpose, there is to be persua­ sion to overcome inner conflicts in order to become popular and successful and thus to "get the most out of life." As children we often sang:

'ÍÉWle instrUi* h hour ■


■ .m

I; I • Heart searching messages • Thrilling testi­ monies • P u ts fa n d in g ^ ^ j features i * Inspiring music .> -i.t .»A-m f ' MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 8 : 3 0 * « f .

Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words can never hurt me."

Can they not? The lost words of our generation have taken a dreadful toll. For instance, recently there ap­ peared in the Los Angeles Times a series of excellent arti­ cles entitled, "U.S. — Nation of Softies?" The author pointed up the fact that, percentage-wise, more young men are physically disqualified for military service than ever before in our nation's history and that the average Amer­ ican youth is "flabbier" than preceding generations. The cause was given that life is too easy for them and comforts too numerous, and consequently, a generation of physical weaklings is being produced. The only exception seems to be those high school and college athletes who go in for competitive sports. Certainly the highly-publicized "panty raids" and "telephone booth stuffing" give one no encouragement that the trend is in any other direction than that expressed in the above-mentioned articles. It takes self-control, discipline and character to produce physical ruggedness. However, there are far more sinister results of this replacement of old-fashioned expressions that have to do with old-fashioned virtues with the smart, slick sophis­ tries of our day. I refer to the abandonment of former moral and spiritual values of life. An entirely new con­ cept has emerged in regard to the way in which young people of this generation should prepare to meet life. Instead of being taught industry, a proper direction of ambition, a desire to render service even beyond the call of duty and perseverance in a task, young people are indoctrinated in the ideology that it is best to seek security for the fu­ ture, however undeserving of such security they may be.




Today young people are loathe to accept correction. When told what may be wrong and how the errors of their ways may be altered, they protest vehemently that the neg­ ative approach" instead of the "positive approach" is being employed. When necessary, the Scriptures present a def­ inite, "negative" approach, warning long ago that to spare the rod was to spoil the child. Since this admonition has not been heeded, and it has become the custom to spare the rod, there are alarming indications that, morally and spir­ itually, the child is indeed spoiled! The whole system of the world's philosophy in regard to human personality and human relationships stems from an utterly erroneous concept of human nature itself. God's Word declares that the heart of man is "desperately wick­ ed" ; that discipline and child training are a part of the divine order of the human family; and that because of sin, if a child is allowed to follow his natural bent, he will walk in the ways of sin and his heart will not be inclined toward good in any way whatsoever. Mental, emotional and moral disaster will follow. Wise Christian psychologists remind us that the happiest and best-adjusted children are those whose liberty is contained within certain bounds ; who are aware of those limitations ; who are disciplined firmly in love ;who are punished for wrong-doing, correct­ ed when they make mistakes, encouraged when they do right and definitely instructed to turn from sin and seek right­ eousness. These men who know the Lord and the eternal truths of His Word, and who have specialized in the study of man as such, should be commended, prayed for, and lis­ tened to by parents and educators everywhere. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to reaffirm its position, based upon the Word of God, in regard to the rearing of children and the training of young people. We need a declaration of the Scriptural teaching of the de­ velopment of godly character, following regeneration, from earliest childhood to maturity. Christian schools like BIOLA are dedicated to this task of Scriptural dis­ cipline and training. It is a source of great satisfaction to the administrators and teachers in these schools to see the fruit of such influence upon the lives of young people who learn life's real values. Thank God, those who submit themselves happily to such training do not turn out to be "softies" - physically, morally or spiritually. We must resore the lost words and the lost discipline in order that we may not find ourselves a nation with a lost generation on our hands; 1959 eah eró: Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter Eugenia Price Raymond Cramer Alan Redpath G. Christian Weiss also Youth Camp and . . . OREGON CENTENNIAL

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Your Best Years Are Just Ahead

Reader Reaction

Children Read Magazine We look forward to each copy of the K in g ’ s B usiness . W e’re so glad we can have this magazine in our home so our children 11 and 13 can have Christian reading material. Mrs. Dewey Dresher, Silverton, Oregon Subscribes For Relatives We attended the Bible conference there this year and were blessed abundantly. With this experience, we came to love the K in g ’ s B usin ess . W e’re sending a check for a year’s subscription for my brother and his wife. We would like to share the blessings of this magazine with our rela­ tives. Mr. & Mrs. John Wall, McPherson, Kans. Distributes to Church Members Please renew my subscription and send me eight copies each of the last two issues. I am giving these away to get members of our church interested in good, real down- to-earth reading that will do old and young alike some good. There’s too much tele­ vision these days and not enough study of God’s Word. Mr. Lewis 0. Reeve, Santa Barbara, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : A limited number of the magazines are available to readers for such distribution. Offer is good only as long as the supply lasts. I would appreciate at least 150 reprints of the recent article by Helen Frazee- Bower, “ Pastors Are People.” M y wife discovered the article between janglings of the telephone, and read it to me immedi­ ately. Praise God for the author’s sympa­ thetic heart. She has so fairly and accur­ ately analyzed our biggest problem . . . our own personal lives. Rev. Russel Ogden First Brethren Church, Akron, Ohio E ditor ’ s N ote : Requests for several thou­ sand additional copies of this helpful article have been requested. Unfortunately, we have not been able to meet the demand. W e have been prayerfully considering a special reprint of the article if funds be­ come available. From Central America This letter is to let you know how much we appreciate the new editions of the K in g ’ s B usiness . It has been a rich source of blessing to us. Edward Murphy, San Jose, Costa Rica More Question Box I wish it were possible to devote several pages to Dr. Talbot’s Question Box instead of one. To me that is one of the most interesting features of the magazine. Edward G. Jasmann Editorial Appreciated Regarding Dr. Sutherland’s editorial in the April issue I was so thankful to read this firm stand against neo-orthodoxy. It was like a spiritual fresh breeze! Mrs. D. Lyons, Hackensack, New Jersey

Wants to See Parsonage Family How about printing a picture of the family spoken of in your monthly column, “ Under the Parsonage Roof” (see page 29). It would be interesting to see the various faces. A Reader E ditor ’ s N ote : W e’re happy to print the picture below of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. A. Miller family. Mr. Miller is pastor of the Grace Livingston Hill Memorial Church, St. Petersburg, Florida. In the front row from left to right, Mark Fre­ mont, 5 years; Ardyth Lois, 7 years; A l­ thea Lynette, 9 years; Paul Kent, 11 years; back row left to right: David Scott, 18 years; Daddy; Dorotheann, 75% years; Sharon Martha, 13 years; Mother; and Bill, 20 years.

A t M oody Bible Institute, you can choose from eight basic courses to prepare for a life o f Christian service: General Bible Pastors Missionary Christian Education Christian Education-Music Sacred Music Jewish Missions Missionary Technical M ood y ’s location in the heart o f Chicago means abundant opportunity for part- time work and for practical Christian experience. Tuition is free, too, because o f the gifts o f thousands o f G od ’s people who want you to have M B I training. Because o f M ood y ’s sound academic standards, many colleges and univer­ sities allow liberal transfer o f credit for work taken. Write today for more information about your best years . . . at M oody Bible Institute. INTERDENOMINATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL Moody Bible Institute 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois Dr. William Culbertson, president I Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean Accredited by Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges Dept. K-9-255 Please send me your latest catalog and pictorial booklet, “ Life at Moody.” Name __________ Address ________ I C ity ----------------------------- Zone _____ State ________ | L------------------------------------------------------- 1

In her recent letter, Mrs. Althea Miller writes: “ This is our first all family picture since the home going of our oldest son. M y mother’s eyes see him next to Bill. But I wouldn’t call him back to this ‘veil of tears.’ P.S. I shall fess up to having had a birthday which added up to 48 years. Whew! There are times I feel 68. Thank you for your prayers. Error in Advertisement In a recent issue, an advertisement was placed for a course in “ Revelations.” Who added that “ s” to “ Revelation” ? This is a common mistake, but to find it in the K in g ’ s B usiness , it made me wonder. Rev. George A. Brown, Hudson, Ontario E ditor ’ s N ote : Reader Brown is correct. The mistake had been noted but not re­ moved in checking. W e appreciate the alertness of friends in calling our attention to these matters. VBS Directory Appreciated May I thank you for the nice write-up concerning the Gospel Publishing House’s new VBS material. Some magazines have left ours out entirely. I have seen the new course, “ Flying with Christ,” and it has tremendous appeal. It is used by many denominations beside ours. May God bless you. Mrs. L. A. Pennington, Colfax, N. Dak. Since 1915 W e like the new layout of the KB very much. I have been a subscriber since 1915 when three months trial subscription fol­ lowed my receiving the Christian Funda­ mentals. I have them all and prize them most highly. Rev. O. M. Kraybill, York, Pennsylvania



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(A Monthly Page of Names in the News)

Dr. John Walvoord, president of Dal­ las Theological Seminary, will be guest speaker at the 28th annual con­ ference of the General Association of Regular Baptists. The conclave will be held in Rochester, Minnesota, June 22-26. * * Mrs. Katherine

members of the translation staff, Prof. Leon J. Wood, Baptist Theological Sem­ inary and Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Bethel Reformed Church, both of Grand Rapids. Also Mr. Peter deVis- ser, director of publications for Zon­ dervan. Dr. Gerrit Verkuyl (not pic­ tured) was the editor-in-chief. Dr. Russel L. Mixter, chairman of the division of science at Wheaton Col­ lege, is one of 40 American scientists contributing chapters to a current book, “ The Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe.” The volume was recently released by Putnam Publishers.

Dr. Martin J. Wyangaarden, C a l v i n Seminary, presents first edition copies of the Berkeley Version of the Bible to P. J. and B. D. Zondervan, pub­ lishers. Dr. Wyangaarden represented the staff of 20 translators who com­ pleted the modem English transla­ tion. Also pictured are two other Mr. James Truxton, vice-president of Missionary Aviation Fellowship, will lead dedication services June 13 for a new hanger on the organization’s Ful­ lerton, California property. Also par­ ticipating will be Mr. Charles Mellis, secretary-treasurer of MAF. * * * * * Dr. M. R. DeHaan, director of the Radio Bible Class, was keynote speak­ er for the 16th Annual Fellowship of Conservative Baptists, held in Cincin- natti, Ohio, late last month. Other speakers included: Dr. Herbert Hazzard, Rev. Arthur Petznick, and Dr. $. P. An­ derson. Rev. Clyde Kennedy, president of the A m e r i c a n C o u n c i l of Christian Churches, h e a d e d the convention slate of his organization’s annual spring conclave in Des Moines early last month. Speakers included: Dr. Robert T. Ketcham, Dr. Robert D. Ingle, Dr. W. W. Breckbill, and Dr. Carl Me- Intire. Dr. W. Plunkett Martin, director of the school of sacred music at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, will head a seminar during Moody Bible Institute’s “ Study Vacation” in Chicago. Headed by Mr. Donald Hus- tad and assisted by other members of MBI’s faculty, the course is being offered July 6-11. * * * * * Dr. Richard V. Clearwaters, president of the Central Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, has announced the facul­ ty appointment of Dr. Ernest Pickering.

Stenholm, director of motion p i c - ture production for Bob J one s University, has b e e n a wa r d e d the Silver Me­ dallion for 1958 Inter - Collegiate Films.

Dr. Harry G. Bristow, founder-director of the Christian Youth Cinema, Penn­ sylvania, has announced his group’s “ Best Film of the Year 1958 Award” to “ Centerville Awakening,” produced by Gospel Films. Dr. Chester J. Padgett, pastor of the Fountain Avenue Baptist Church of Hollywood, makes elaborate prepara­ tions for his new daily radio ministry. “ Luncheon for Today,” the title, util­ izes the actual ringing of the ship’s steward’s gong as a call to the dining room. Matson Shipping Lines cooper­ ated in the project. T h e picture, “ The Flying An­ gel,” received the honor from the Screen Producers Guild, Inc. Mrs. Stenholm

Dr. E. Schuyler English, chairman of the committee for the revision of the Scofield Reference Bible (left), con­ fers with Mr. Wilbur Ruggles, head of the Religious Department of Ox­ ford University Press. It is not ex­ pected that the new Scofield Bible will be available before 1963. * * * * * Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, president of youth for Christ International, has announced the 15th annual Conven­ tion of his group to be held at Winona Lake, Indiana, June 28 - July 12. Dr. Bob Cook, chairman of the YFC board, will be one of the speakers.



JUNE, 1959

b u sin e ss

BASIC QUALITIES 1 | ' he list of qualities shown by a good counselor could 1L be endless, so we shall settle for five of the most important ones. 1. Love Campers Enjoy their company. Like to do things with them. Be interested in their conversations, their interests, their problems and joys. This has to be genuine concern, remember. Campers (the younger ones more than the older ones) possess an uncanny sense for detecting sham at this point. 2. Love a Good Time A fun-loving counselor is essential. In the first place, you have to appreciate the camper’s scheming glee in fixing up a bed with cornflakes before you can recognize it as a joke when you crawl between the sheets and find that you, too, have “ breakfast in bed.” If a sudden cloud­ burst on a hike makes you cantankerous, your campers w ill gripe too. Since campers come to camp primarily to have fun, you will want to be the source of lots of it. If you don’t instigate good times, the campers will ■— sometimes to your grief! 3. Be Mature That’s not always easy. None of us is consistently grown-up in attitudes and reactions. Campers are particularly unstable. This is because they are young and because at camp they are away from parental authority, sometimes for the first time. They require emotional steadiness in you. Know when to be firm about a rule, and when to be flexible in its applica­ tion. Be objective. Don’t figure that when your campers misbehave they necessarily have a personal grudge against you. Be “ resilient.” Don’t let kidding get your goat. Remember what you felt like when you were 13. You were all legs and arms. Your voice squeaked and rasped unexpectedly, and something funny always hap­ pened in Bible study hour. So wait for campers to grow up; don’t expect 28-year-old actions from a 12-year-old.

4. Be Resourceful Perhaps the campsite isn’t perfect. Make the best of it. Don’t let a rainy day drag; use it to develop cabin unity by working together on a project, such as a cabin sing. Suppose a cookout is poorly planned. Concentrate on making it fun anyway. Most campers will not be aware of planning gaps if you help them have a good time. Allow freedom (within limits, of course) for campers to choose their own ways of doing things. And go out of the way to allow for individuality in spiritual guidance. Don’t work so hard pressing each camper into the spirit­ ual mold through which you came that you forget that the Lord worked differently with Peter than He did with Andrew — even though they were brothers! Avoid triteness in spiritual vocabulary. Can you explain the way of salvation intelligibly to a 12-year-old who never went to a church like yours? Why not talk to a young person of your acquaintance who is a Christian and find out exactly how clearly he understands these important matters. You may find fuzzy spots in your thinking. Can you fill much-used evangelical terms with vital meaning? 5. Be Honest This means keeping confidences. Don’t fall into the trap of discussing a problem camper with the rest of the staff “ so they can pray.” With your campers, admit “ I don’t know” when this is the case. Don’t bluff your way through. Watch honesty of life as well as lip. The campers are required to keep the rules; they will respect you if you scrupulously follow these rules along with them. Be loyal to the camp administration. You may bring up for discussion at a staff meeting any policy on which you do not see eye to eye. But once the matter has been discussed, go along with the decision, whether or not you agree. Though you do not have to agree with all camp policies, you are expected to keep and uphold them at all times.



Camp Counselor

6. Study the Word Start early to plan your Bible studies, your cabin devotions, your campfire messages or other tasks related to spiritual emphasis or Bible teaching. One caution in your preparation to teach the Word: Don’t divorce your preparation in studying the Word from your preparation in studying campers. If you will be teaching 11-year-olds, seek to see how the Bible may meet their particular needs as you study your lessons. If you are not teaching the Bible to your campers, be sure you know what is being taught so that you can tie it in with nightly devotions and other casual contacts with the campers. This is essential so that the Bible study periods are not separated from the rest of camp life in the minds of the campers. You are really teaching anyway, you know, even if you are not assigned to a specific Bible study group. You teach what you are. That is why it is important that you be what you teach. If you feel a lack of experience in knowing how to study the Bible, it might help you to go through a course of study for yourself first. Thè following publication is just one example, but an excellent one: Jane Hollingsworth: Discovering the Gospel of Mark. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, 1519 N. Astor, Chi­ cago, 111. 50c. As you study the Word, let the Lord continually be your counselor, and teach you what it is saying in refer­ ence to your life. This is excellent preparation for leading your campers to do this same thing; it also is the best possible spiritual preparation for you personally.

When available, crafts add greatly to the effectiveness of the Summer Camp Program. Children enjoy working with their hands.

JUNE, 1959


M il it a r y strategy has always placed supreme im­ portance upon having a tnorougjh knowledge of the size, strength, and strategy of the enemy. Jesus Christ adds His word of warning to us along this line when He says, “What man of you goes to war without first dis­ covering the strength of his opposition?” “And there went out a champion . . —I Samuel 17:4 Goliath certainly presents to us a fearsome sight. He was probably four feet taller than David. He was well protected by heavy armor — an experienced fighter — a champion — he was accompanied by a bodyguard. It is not particularly surprising that none of the soldiers in Saul’s army were anxious to accept Goliath’s challenge — they were not cowards; they were just realists. They knew that they were no match for this overgrown mountain of a man. His strength, armor, and battle experience offered an awesome contrast to even the largest, strongest, and most seasoned soldier in Israel’s army. Their judgment was sound. Goliath was unques­ tionably too strong for any one man. “ Goliath drew near morning and evening and pre­ sented himself forty days.” — I Samuel 17:16 His brutish character is revealed in the fact that his favorite pastime was shouting out threats and insults every morning and evening for forty days against the army of Israel. The number “ forty” has a peculiar significance in Bible teaching in its association with testing. Moses was forty years in Pharaoh’s court and then forty years in the backside of the desert. He was forty days on the mountain top. Israel was forty years in the wilderness. Christ was forty days in the wilderness tempted of the Devil. The early Church spent forty days between the resurrection of Christ and the time in which they gathered in the upper room. Each of these cases is characterized by teaching and testing. How clearly the tenacity of the enemy is revealed in this forty day trial. Saul’s army had to face Goliath’s cruel and mocking challenge every morning. Then before fear of it had died out, they had to listen to it again each evening. They were haunted in the dark hours of the night by this taunting specter. The echo of his awful voice seemed to reverberate throughout the camp in the black and endless night hours. So it is, Satan rests neither day nor night. Those whom he cannot defeat during the hours of the day he conquers under the cover of darkness. Many a Christian is so harassed by the evil One that he has no rest. The appearance of Goliath morning and evening is suggestive of the necessity of beginning each day with humble and acknowledged dependence upon God. Even so, each day should be closed with a committal of the night hours into His hands. Victory in the morning watch can assure victory throughout the day. To underestimate the size, strength, or strategy of our enemy can but lead to defeat — yet it is possible that we are doing that very thing every day. The fact that we “ 1 am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly .” — John 10:10

f a r

7 4

Don Hillis

GOD DEFIED It is bad enough to deny the existence of God. It is worse to acknowledge His existence and then to defy Him. In defying the armies of the living God, Goliath was defying God Himself, for God identifies Himself with His people. Goliath was neither the first nor the last to do such a foolish thing. Thousands have shaken their fists in the face of God. Not, of course, in the blatant, open way that Goliath did, but just as definitely. Regardless of how it is done, the source of all such action is satanic. Satan is the instigator and prompter of every God- defying action. It all began when he arrogantly made his cataclysmic effort to usurp the place of God Himself. He reaffirmed his diabolical intentions when he deceived our first parents in the Garden. His nefarious nature reached its lowest depth when he faced the Son of God in the wilderness testing and, again, on Golgotha’s peak. We are guilty, too, when like Adam and Eve, we crave those things that God has told us to leave alone. It is possible that our defiance might be compared to that of Samson who was a moral weakling or, on the other hand, it might be compared to that husband and wife team, Ananias and Sapphira, who were guilty of down­ right dishonesty in the handling of money — again, like Saul, disobedience to the known will of God may be the indication of rebellion in our lives. Yes, defiance is ex­ pressed in many ways but its roots thrive in the under­ world of sin and evil. It is highly probable that no one deliberately starts out to defy God, but prayerlessness, overconcem for the material, and spiritual apathy are the beginnings of rebellion. No, not a single one of us would want to be labeled “ God defiers,” but all too often our actions speak louder than our words. THE BIGGEST PROBLEM Beneath all of this is something far more subtle and far, far more dangerous. It is the awareness of personal failure and defeat. It is the haunting realization that we are not prepared to face the Goliath within us. Our failure to “measure up” has paralyzed our Christian walk. W e have become our own biggest problem. Again and again the early Church prayed for courage and boldness. God answered their prayed. Courage char­ acterized the testimony of the young Church. How earn­ estly we should ask God for a holy boldness that will make us victorious! Surely the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but a power of love and of a sound mind (II Tim. 1:7). It is on this basis that we must act. We need the assuring voice of David’s “ greater Son” in these days, “ Fear not, for I am with thee.” (This is the second in a series of four articles which may be obtained in an attractive booklet under the title of “ The Giant in Your Life” at fifty cents per copy from Don Hillis, P.O. Box 45, Los Angeles 53, California, and from the BIOLA Book Room.)

are willing to “ go it alone” in our daily life and in our service for Christ is evidence of our unawareness of the power of Satan. If we were more deeply aware of the nature and character of the enemy of our soul, we would approach his territory with trembling and with utter dependence upon the only One who can defeat him. We would make sure that we were dressed in the whole armor of God. We would be alert to Satan’s wiles. We would see that the sword of the Spirit was unsheathed and ready for action in our hands. We would go forth only in the power of His might and with all of this we would pray, pray and pray (Ephesians 6:10-18). A ROARING LION The Bible description of Satan is indeed frightening. His wisdom and authority, his cruelty, craftiness, and deceitfulness are enough to cast the dark shadow of fear over the bravest Christian. Any valid evaluation of the facts can but bring us to the conclusion that there is no hope of victory except in the power and strength of Jesus Christ. It is most interesting to realize that the Word of God portrays the enemy of our soul as appearing in two con­ trasting forms — a roaring lion and an angel of light. How aptly this portrays the savage cruelty and the subtle deceitfulness of the evil One. There is neither compassion nor truth within him. As a roaring lion he has frightened millions of people into silence and submission. He has lived upon the blood of martyrs for ages. Today in the form of atheistic, God-denying Communism he tramples nation after nation under foot. His contempt for every child of God is stated in these words, “ Come to me and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field.” David was wonderfully victorious in the face of this “ roaring lion.” He knew that the God who had already delivered him out of the paw of another lion could deliver him from this Satan-inspired giant who dared to defy the armies of the living God. How tragic it is, however, that this servant of the Lord, so valiant in the presence of the “ roaring lion,” was so weak in the presence of the “ angel of light.” The subtle, deceitful enemy of the soul disguises his temptations in a thousand different ways. To David the temptation came in the form of an alluring woman. The- defeat that followed was deep, far-reaching, and tragic. Fear could not conquer David, but the flesh did. Love for God had led him to glorious victory over the giant, while the weakness of unrestrained physical desire drove him into awful defeat through a desirable woman. Satan is a masterful imposter and trickster. We shall not be taken in by his deceptions because of their com­ plexity but rather by their simplicity. “Watch ye there­ fore, stand fast in the faith, quit ye like men, be strong!” Let us note now the gross boldness of Satan, typified in Goliath’s defiance of God, his disdain of David, and the dismay into which he cast the armies of Israel.

JUNE, 1959


‘‘Oh, God help us, men and women who love Thee, that we may catch a glimpse of the world, ripe unto harvest,” so pleaded one of the ministers who lifted his voice in prayer at a recent meeting of the Revival Prayer Fellow­ ship. This semi-annual revival conference is held at the Presbyterian Conference Grounds, Pacific Palisades under the leadership of the Rev. Armin Gesswein, Director. As early as 1940 a number of Christian pastors had gathered together to pray for revival. Regular Monday morning prayer meetings were held at what was then a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church on 18th and Georgia Streets in the heart of Los Angeles. Rev. Frank Sutherland, pastor, was the moderator of these meetings. The avowed purpose was to bring pastors of like mind into a closer relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ and to pray for revival in one another and in their churches. Today meetings are being held in other areas of the West. Under God, the movement is expanding eastward. The Revival Prayer Fellowship also conducts regular monthly meetings. Formerly they were held in the home of Dr. Roderick Morrison, Pasadena. More recently the number has enlarged and the meetings are being con­ ducted in various churches of greater Los Angeles, making it possible for pastors to share a closer fellowship. Twenty-two semi-annual prayer conferences have been held since the start in 1948. They are designed for pastors, although Christian leaders are also invited. “Men just felt the need of a moving of God’s Spirit in their lives,” so stated Dr. Herbert Richardson, chairman of the group, and pastor of the North Redondo Chapel, Redondo Beach, Calif. Our entire purpose is to gain a new glimpse of God’s program. We use three letters as our key: R. E. and M .” Pastor Richardson went on to explain, “The three letters emphasize revival, evangelism, and mis­ sions. As to what revival actually is the chairman of the group declared: “ I would say that it is the sovereign work of God; it is difficult to define.” At most of the Revival Prayer Fellowship semi-annual conferences, missionary offerings are taken. Since none of the men on the staff are salaried, the money is sent to specifically needy areas of the world. Other men serving on the board are the Rev. Arvid Carlson, First Covenant Church, Pasadena, vice-chairman; Mr. Claude Jenkins, Christ for Greater Los Angeles, secretary; and the Rev. Joseph Hemphill, pastor of the San Gabriel Union Church, treasurer. The real power-house and guidance for the fellowship comes from the Rev. Armin Gesswein, formerly a Luth­ eran pastor in Long Island. It was while he was in Norway in 1937-1938 that he received a new and wider call by God’s Spirit in the great “Norway Revival.” This new revival vision and determination he brought back to the United States. With him, too, he brought his wife whom he had met in Norway. From that time his ministry has been that of an evangelist to churches of Pictures at the left show the Rev. Mr. Gesswein, director, and Dr. Herbert Richardson, chairman of the Revival Prayer Fellow­ ship, chatting for a few moments outside the Palisades' audi­ torium. Below, left, Mr. and Mrs. Gesswein share a favorite portion of Scripture during a brief recess of the meetings. THE KING'S BUSINESS


all denominations' While there is a definite emphasis on pastors attend­ ing these conferences, yet other Christian leaders of the churches are invited to attend. The last conference of the group was held March 2-3-4. The next is to be held the last Monday in September or the first Monday in October. “ Today there is a new emergence of prayer groups in all kinds of churches,” Rev. Gesswein stated. “ These seem to be spontaneous and simultaneous and are often marked by tender revival movings of God’s Spirit.” There is no limit as to who can attend. Dr. Richardson stated: “ All pastors are invited. However, those that are not revival-minded generally eliminate themselves. We have no affiliation with any organization.” Results of the Revival Prayer Fellowship have been most unusual. To mention but a few, one pastor declared, “ God did something to me in those conference meetings that I attended. I told my wife that after having been at the Palisades, I could never be the same again. The chal­ lenge which God allowed me to give to my people has resulted in the saving of many precious souls, for which I give God all the glory.” Another pastor became so burdened for missions dur­ ing one of the Revival Prayer Fellowship gatherings that he and his wife soon went as missionaries .to a foreign field. Another pastor of a strict denominational church came to the Palisades from San Francisco. His entire ministry was changed and now there is a strong evan­ gelical and evangelistic emphasis in his church. The Word of God tells us that “men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Certainly the emphasis of this faithful group of men and women is needed more than anything else today. We pray God’s Spirit may so lead and direct that other gatherings of the Revival Fellowship across America may be a realization. “ If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14.

Rev. Armin Gesswein, director, and Dr. Herbert H. Richardson, chairman, of the Revival Prayer Fellowship at the Palisades.

Mr. Gesswein talks with Dr. R. R. Brown, spiritual leader of Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Brown was the fellowship speaker recently.

Pictured above from left to right in the front row are: Rev. Robert Tucker, Dr. Woodrow Rood, Rev. Armin Gesswein, Director, Dr. Herbert H. Richardson, Chairman, Rev. Arvid Carlson, Vice-Chairman; second row: Rev. Harold Freleigh, Rev. Paul Kennedy, Rev. Alan Hansen, Rev. Don Stover, Dr. Carlton Booth, Rev. Ben Jennings, Mr. Claude Jenkins, Secretary.

under the Blood

souls are craving deliverance. H ow is it found? These visitors cannot be humanly driven off. They are too many and too strong and too smart for us. They have no shame nor feelings. Kick them out and they are right back. Throw them out and they get right up and come in again. Lock the door and they every one have a master key. But thank God there is a way o f deliverance from these tormenting thoughts, spirits, things. And that way is through the precious blood o f the Lamb of God onoe slain. W hen m y eyes opened from sleep these thoughts of past, present and future trouble were on hand to torment me. They had made an early start. They would come trooping in. I was helpless. I knew not what to do w ith them. Then the Lord showed me that door in Egypt with the blood sprinkled over and around it (Exodus 12:21-24), into which no evil, tormenting spirit could com e and that I was just simply to be willing to commit m y mind unto H im in helplessness and then to claim and believe and see the blood of Christ over and around it, just like that door, that room in Egypt. It was a new and blessed thought to me. I did so. They came again and I said, “ The blood is over the door. The world is dead to me and I am dead to the world. You cannot enter under the blood.” They backed off. Again and again they would come, but I simply pointed to the blood over the door; the mind. I thought on the blood whenever they came; and soon their power was gone and they ceased their visitations; m y torments ceased; m y m ind had rest, as I committed all to God and thought on the blood. The spotless Lamb of God has shed His most precious blood for you, to cleanse and cover and free and keep you , not on ly from sin and sickness, but in mind from torments and distractions as well. The blood is your one safety. Not a death-dealing, troubling, tormenting, fearful visitor could enter the room that night in Egypt where the-blood was on the door. And dear, tormented soul, a thousand-fold more real and powerful than the blood of that little lamb is the precious blood of the Lamb of God: See by faith His blood sprinkled over the mind, the door to your being, and when these things appear and knock for attention, throw up you r hands, helpless soul, and point them to the blood on the door. By faith put death between them and you. Consent to your death in that blood and take your place definitely and continually under its protection. Say to thoughts and all hindering visitors to the m ind’s distraction from God and peace, “ I am dead to you and you are dead to me.” Say it in faith; say it over and over; say it persistently, believe that the blood is on the door o f your mind and that it is pro­ tecting you as God said it would. END.

“ Comm it th y works unto the Lord, and th y thoughts shall be established. Prov. 16:3 “ Be y e transform ed b y the renew ing o f you r m ind.” Rom. 12:2 ' II ' he m ind has been likened to the room of a house where visitors are entertained. A ll visitors to one’s three-fold being come in through the mind. Th ey first enter the mind, then drop down into the spirit and get root, then possess the whole man. Thoughts are bold and daring things, and strong and persistent. Like armed men they force themselves into the mind. They come enticingly. Th ey come threateningly. They come in a thousand ways. They come singly; they come in droves. Some wait at the door of the mind and push and crowd to get in while the room is full. They keep up a din and chatter and strain the nerves and chill the heart. Fear dashes into the m ind and captures us and holds us fast. A thought knocked at the door o f the mind. It was admitted and entertained. Passion enters the mind. It is looked at a while, then possesses the whole being and leads to sin and shame. Anxiety and nervousness appear and drive off rest and keep on sleepless all night for nothing. Doubt, as full of death as hell itself, is let in and consulted with, and blows out every light and fills the room with darkness. Trouble, m a n y - f a c e d , many-handed, big and squatty, will fill the mind and stay all day, and return in the morning b y the time you open your eyes. Cares, weighing a thousand pounds each, come to unload in the room. Old Self, under God’s judgment, and refusing to die, wants to stay on hand all the time, with a ready sword of protection and having pitying attendants on hand and fans and camphor bottles in case it is hit or wounded or slighted or knocked down. It wants the best chair in the m ind and the most attention notwith­ standing it is the most unwholesome visitor on hand. It has been deposed of God and is under His everlast­ ing curse, and yet wants to lurk around all the time. And friends and foes and husbands and wives and children, and tomorrow, and houses and lands, and the work on hand of whatever nature, and what was and what is and what is to be, and this and that and the other, real and imaginary, and demon impressions and suggestions, and the thoughts of friends and foes toward you, coming to you in dream and while awake as swift messengers — all these things in the different shapes and sizes and sounds will harass and possess and occupy and claim all the attention o f the mind possible, if allowed. Thousands are in the grave and the madhouse, and other thousands are in physical torments and sickness because of the mind thus occupied. And many honest




H e a v e n is a place so different from this world that God has chosen to describe it in part by contrasting it with the things familiar to us in the present life. Some of the most remarkable descriptions of heaven in the Bible concern, not what will be there, but what will not be there. Some things will be missing in heaven. What are they? I. ALL SEPARATION WILL BE MISSING IN HEAVEN The aged John, exiled on Patmos, had a glorious glimpse of heaven: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away: and there was no more sea” (Rev; 21:1). Why does it say “no more sea” ? A number of ideas might be sug­ gested by the sea here. But the thought that stands out the most to the writer is that of separation. What is it that poses the greatest geographical barrier to communi­ cation in the world? Moimtains, indeed, are great bar­ riers, with their treacherous crags and snow-capped peaks. Rivers, swift and deep, also present great problems to man’s communicating with man. The burning sands of the desolate desert do conspire to discourage human con­ tact. All these things are geographical barriers. But greater than all are the oceans. If all the world’s oceans were taken away, communication would be greatly simplified, and all the nations of the earth would be much closer together. This is physical separation, and it will be absent from heaven. But, what is far more important, there will be no spiritual separation in heaven. Notice Revelation 21:2-3: “ And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Just as a bride is made beautiful for the wedding, and is prepared to dwell with her husband, so God is prepar­ ing and making beautiful the new Jerusalem for the joyous occasion when His people will dwell with Him, and He with His people. “ The tabernacle of God is with men. . . . ” A tabernacle is a tent, a dwelling place. God will pitch His tent with men. Think of it! God’s abode, His holy house and habitation, shall be face to face with men, for His personal presence shall remain there. There will be no spiritual separation between God and man in heaven! Three times in verse 3 the word with is em­ ployed. God will dwell with, not apart from, His people. During the first 33 years of the incarnation, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, dwelt among men upon earth; but in that blessed future day the Father Himself will live with His own creatures. Ever since the fall of man into sin, God has of necessity separated Himself from him. No one in his sinful state and natural body can see the face of deity and live. It is written, “No man hath seen God at any time . . .” (John 1:18). The thickness of the heavy veil separated the glory of His presence between the

cherubim even from the priests of Israel, those who had nearer access than all others.1When the law was written with the finger of God, the Almighty sequestered Himself atop Sinai’s foreboding peak, and all who dared come near the smoking, quaking mount met with instant death. When Moses requested of God that he might see His glory, God replied: “Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live” (Exod. 33:20). But now, what a change has taken place! For we read in Revelation 22:4, “And they shall see his face. . . ” The mystics of medieval times longed for the beatific vision, the beholding of God face to face. But we who know Christ will, in that day, long for it no more; it shall be achieved, for there will be no separation from God in heaven. In harmony with this fact, John records in Revelation 21:22: “And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.” The word here for temple (naos) means the inner sanc­ tum, where the presence of God dwelt, including the holy place and the holy of holies.2Here in this world, we who know Christ are God’s dwelling place; but in heaven, God will, in the most absolute sense, be our dwelling place. Then, truer than ever before w ill be those beautiful words of Moses in Psalms 90:1, “ Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.” Yes, separation will be missing in heaven. II. ALL HUMAN WOE WILL BE MISSING IN HEAVEN One of the most wonderful verses in the Bible is Reve­ lation 21:4: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” First, let us notice that all tears shall be wiped away. No tears. It has been my privilege to labor in a hospital as a chaplain. I have seen many tears shed in that hospital. When the burden becomes too heavy to bear; when the load of life crushes; when pain is acute; when the sense of loneliness overcomes; when tragedy and disaster overwhelm; we resort to tears as naturally as a river overflows its banks. But the causes for all these human woes shall be removed in heaven, and so all tears shall be wiped away. What God says to regenerated and restored Israel in Isaiah 66:13, will be applicable also to all in that heavenly country: “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you. . . .” No tears, in heaven fair, no tears, no tears up there, Sorrow and pain will all have flown; No tears, in heaven fair, no tears, no tears up there, ’The one exception was the high priest, who was allowed en­ trance but once a year. “Richard Chenevix Trench, Synonyms of the New Testament (ninth edition; London: Macmillan and Co., 1880), pp. 10-12; and Joseph Henry Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (New York: American Book Company, 1889), p. 422. Cf. Matt. 23:35, 27:51; Luke 1:9; I Cor. 6:19; Rev. 11:2, 19.

JUNE, 1959


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