King's Business - 1959-06

BOOKS BY . . . Dr. M. R. DeHaan Teacher. Radio Bible Class B World-wide Broadcast

HEBREWS— -26 Simple S tu d ie s o f God’s P a t te r n f o r V ic t o r io u s L iv in g ..........................................$2.50 THE ROMANCE OF REDEMPTION. ...$2.50 JONAH — Fact or Fiction _________$2.50 STUDIES IN I CORINTHIANS..................... $2.50 SIMON PETER .„ ____________ „...$2.50 THE CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD............ $2.50 ADVENTURES IN FAITH............................. $2.50 508 ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUESTIONS..$3.00 BROKEN THINGS..................... $1.50 THE TABERNACLE......................................... $2.50 Books on Prophecy THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS.......... $2.50 REVELATION .................... $3.00 DANIEL THE PROPHET ........._ ..................$3.50 SIGNS OF THE TIMES................................... $2.50 THE JEW AND PALESTINE IN PROPHECY_________$2.50 At All Bookstores ZONDEBVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Grand Rapids 6. Michigan 'W e Have Seen His Star 99 STARLIT PATHS FOR PILGRIM FEET By Merrill F. Unger A devotional study of 192 pages Only $3.00 Order today from your bookstore or DUNHAM PUBLISHING CO., Finlay, Ohio PERSONALIZED WRITING COURSE DOROTHY C. HASKIN, author of 4,030 published articles and stories and 36 books, says: "I can help you with your personal writing problems — Articles, Stories, Publicity — EVERY TYPE of Christian Journalism." Send for Brochure 2573y2-K Glen Green Hollywood 28, Calit. GLEN DALE READERS w ill find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, California Sr,"JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES? the Scriptural passages which refer to the stars. Real gems for meditation and spiritual uplift. A book every C h r i s t i a n should enjoy and apprec­ iate.

The Shepherd Psalm of Palestine By G. Frederick Owen There have been many books pub­ lished on the Twenty-third Psalm. Few could be more attractive than this one. First of all the guthor brings us right into the heart of ancient Palestine by his reverend and descrip­ tive language. He w r i t e s out of twenty-five years of study of the Psalm. He has associated with him a photographic artist whose fullpage pictures opposite many of the pages are superb. The print is in green ink with the pictures and chapter head­ ings in brown. The binding is in two- tone cloth and the book is worth every cent of its cost. The publishers are to be congratulated on assembling this beautiful specimen. 84 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3:00. Fundamentalism and the Sometimes the best view is the dis­ tant view, if not the long one. Here we have a critique and, in reality, a defense of Fundamentalism by a British doctor of philosophy who is senior tutor of Tyndale Hall, Bristol. The book was first published in Eng­ land by the Inter-Varsity Fellowship. The Biblical foundations are dealt with fully, along with the basic prob­ lems of faith and reason. The author does not particularly hold out for the name, but does defend evangelical Christianity against both the old and the new liberalism. In fact the new Biblical Theology is severely brought to account for some of its unsound premises. Intelligent laymen and pas­ tors in particular will welcome this stimulating discussion of a current c o n t r o v e r s i a l subject. 191 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $1.25. Christ and Modern Woman By A rgye Briggs The author of this book is already well known for her Christian novels, Root out of Dry Ground, The Hem of His Garment, Both Banks of the River, etc. The present book is not fiction, but deals with many phases of life as a woman lives. With a richness of style and a deep insight Mrs. Briggs brings her readers to a sincere facing of the claims of Christ and the rich­ Word of God By J. I. Packer

ness of His grace and the value of His guidance. She points out pitfalls of personal failure, avenues of per­ sonality development in Christian service, and she discusses family rela­ tions, where a woman meets her greatest tests. The chapters are based on famous encounters of Christ with women. This is a good book to put into the hands of every Christian woman regardless of her status. 153 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.50. THE BRIDGE IS LOVE By Hans A. De Boer A German business man went to South Africa for his firm and came into contact with the race problems there that have attracted world-wide attention. He became so intensely interested in the problem that he traveled to India, Burma, Singapore, and a half dozen other countries studying and evaluating the conflicts and tensions arising from racial dif­ ferences. He studied the efforts being made by the churches of each country to solve the problems. The title of the book embodies his conclusion as to the ultimate solution, but it is not an easy one. He suffered personal danger and hazard but interviewed high and low representatives of each faction. As a Christian he could not escape the sense of concern and responsibility. His answer is based on what he be­ lieves to be the New Testament view­ point on these matters. He leans toward the non-violence principles of Gandhi, and probably fails to realize the essential necessity of a spiritual new birth for the solutions of this kind of problem. The book is rich in cultural observations, and will stimu­ late reconsideration of a growing tension in many parts of the world. 255 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $4.50. Tariro By Arvid H. Albrektson A fascinating novel of Christian na­ tive life in Africa. The scene is set in Southern Rhodesia, one of the most enterprising of the new African na­ tions. Strong pagan pulls are exper­ ienced and intrigue finally comes to grips with powerful Christian forces. Psychological insight is a feature of this work by a Swedish missionary leader. 220 pages; Muhlenberg, Phila­ delphia, Pa.; $3.00.

Y O U C A N ! Use the new b o o k le t, “Another Gospel” writ­ ten by the author of the book “ Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave.” 15 for $1 — 100 for $5 The book — $2.95 LIFE MESSENGERS Box 515-K Seattle 11, Wash.

W . J. Schnell The Author



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