King's Business - 1959-06

B OO K E ND S (A Review of Current Publications) SPOTLIGHT ON PENELOPE by Dorothy Denni­ son. OVER TO PAUL by Gillian Golden. CALL ME JACQUELINE by Dorothy Dennison. BOUQUET FOR SUSAN by Gillian Golden. The above quartet of titles are numbers 1-4 of The Courtney Series running slightly over 100 pages each, in cloth, and published by The Paternoster Press in London. They ore delightful novels about a doctor and his family in England who set out each summer for a holiday in some part of Europe. Penelope, the teen-age daughter, helps to provide adventure and excitement on these trips, along with others of the family and friends they moke. There is a Christian context BREAD FOR HER DAY by Eleanor Bockelman. 70 pages; cloth; Wartburg Press, Columbus, Ohio; $1.25. A typical mother and homemoker relates in an intimate monner her daily experi­ ences around the home, her "ups and downs and her courageous Christian faith in the face of all kinds of difficulties. It is the plainness of this book that appeals. ANUTU CONQUERS IN NEW GUINEA by A. C. Frerichs. 272 pages; paper; Wartburg Press, Columbus, Ohio; $1.25. This is the story of seventy years or mission work by the American Lutheran Church. Attention is given to the native beliefs of the Popuans and their cultural characteristics. The historical material is of con­ siderable interest and value. OUR MARCHING ORDERS IN EVANGELISM by J. Clyde Yates. 52 pages; cloth; American Press, New York; $2.75. The message is based on five factors; Christ's absolute authority, abiding adequacy, appropriate activity, the available agency, and the utmost urgency. The author is a Southern Baptist pastor, and evange- list. DANGEROUS FATHERS, PROBLEM MOTHERS, AND TERRIBLE TEENS by Carlyle Marney. 128 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Nashville, Tenn.: $2.00. The difficulty with juveniles is reolly no higher than character. The author penetrates family difficulty. Discipline is not an isolated phenomenon, and discipline in the family rises many of the aspects of family life and gives a good deal of sound advice for all members of the household. WHY BAPTIZE INFANTS? by Harry Hutchi­ son. 85 pages; cloth; Greenwich Publishers, New York; $2.50. A Presbyterian pastor in Canada, who got his education in Scotland, summarizes the data used to support infant baptism. There is no undue enthusiasm exhibited here, but a quiet and coreful presentation with respect for other views. THE TRUTH ABOUT CATHOLICS, PROTEST­ ANTS AND JEWS by Stephen L. Testa. 31 pages; paper; Scripture Truth Society, 5166 Rethelen St., Los Angeles 62, Calif. (Handled by the Biola Book Room, 560 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.); 50c. This is a concentrated treat­ ment of distinctive features of the three reli­ gious groups. Judaism is shown to be the mother of Christianity and the Roman Church its counterfeit. BAPTISTS: YOUR CHURCH AND YOUR LIFE by Gale E. Dobbins. 60 pages; cloth; The Amer­ ican Press, New York; $2.50. A simple introduc­ tion designed for new church members in the Baptist communion. The author is a graduate of Central Baptist. Seminary in Kansas City. The book is a little too sectarian "The first church was a Baptist church" (p. 12) and for the size is priced too high. SON OUT OF EGYPT by Raymond C. Agee. 215 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York; $3.75. A novel featuring Simeon and Anna and centered around the time of the birth of Jesus. Cleopatra, Caesar, Herod, ond Mark Antony oil find a ploce in the story also. Speculation regard­ ing the coming of the Messiah is based on the prophecy of the sixty-nine weeks. The revelation scene is reverently told. This is not a great novel, but it contains a good deal of background materiol to the gospel story. ADULTS AT WORSHIP by W allace Fridy. 128 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $1.75. Suggestions for private or public worship including a meditation, a hymn and Scripture suggestions, and a prayer. BASIC CHRISTIANITY by John R. W. Stott. 144 pages; poper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $1.25. Originally published in England by the Inter-Varsity Fellowship, this manuol provides the basic elements of an opolo- getic approach to Christianity, "evidence to which an honest man can subscribe withou com­ mitting intellectual suicide."

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JUNE, 1959

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