King's Business - 1959-06

Aunt Betty Talks with Teenagers RULES: You must be 13-19; you must give name, address and age, but only first name and city will be used. Letters will be regarded as confidential. Send to this column in care of The King's Business.

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l know 1 am too young now but I could get ready to be a missionary as soon as l get through high school, couldn’t 1? Debbie Los Angeles M y Dear Debbie: Could it be that “ Latin and algebra and things like that” are getting a little monot­ onous at this time of year? Cheer up! You have about three months vacation! But remember, that studying any subject teaches you to think. Many people have a mistaken idea about the mission field, Debbie. You need all the education you can get; and in fact, the majority of mission boards now require a college degree because it is becoming in­ creasingly difficult to get into foreign lands without degrees in higher education. Would not your best solution be to com­ plete high school, and then enter a Chris­ tian college where you could take your college subjects under Christian teachers? That would speed up your training con­ siderably. Another thing, Debbie: NOW is the time to start your missionary work with a sweet, quiet, sincere testimony to your classmates. Try to win them to Christ. Keep a prayer list, and have a “ quiet time” with the Lord every day. This will lay a foundation for missionary labors later on and is necessary for a strong Christian life. God will lead you Is there any verse in the Bible that says that everyone should get married and that there is a boy for every girl? Lois Spokane, Wash. M y dear Lois: No. There is no such Scripture. You may be thinking of the verse: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Gen. 2:18). Marriage in the Lord—Christians to Christians—is one of the great blessings of life, but it is not in the will of God for everyone. One should not set her heart upon this but upon doing the will of God, whatever that may bring into a Christian’s life. The last question I am asking my Teen-age Readers to answer. Get your letters in the mail right away. L et me know how you have solved this problem which is a real one for Christian young people everywhere. Your letters will be printed next month. Dear Aunt Betty: I’m just a little above teen-ager age, but could you help me? I’m a Christian, and don’t feel that I can glorify the Lord in going to such places as movies and dances. The problem is this: W here can I go on a date? I like the observatory and miniature golfing, but then what? Herman Los Angeles, Calif. as you trust Him. Dear Aunt Betty:

Dear Aunt Betty: I am fifteen years old and I was saved fust three weeks ago. I am thankful that Christ lifted me from the road to hell and that He loved me enough to save me by the shedding of His holy blood. I used to swear and do other worldly things but the Lord has taken these things out of my life. Here is m y question: l have a boy friend who goes to the same church and every­ body thinks he is a Christian. But he does not believe anyone can be changed the way the Lord has changed me. What can I do to convince him that it makes a dif­ ference if you accept Christ as your Sav­ iour? Douglas Nebraska M y dear Douglas: What will convince your friend more than anything else that when we are born again, the Lord does make a change in our outward lives as well as in our hearts is the life that you live before him. You cannot do this in your own power. You must depend upon the Lord each day to keep you. There is a wonderful verse in Philippians which reads: “ Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it (or perfect it) until the day of Jesus Christ” (1:6). Now that you belong to Him, the Lord will continue to look after you as His child. Keep close to Him. Pray each day and read your Bible. Go to every meeting you can where the Bible is taught in your church and Sunday School and Youth groups. Then point out to your friend some of the people whose lives have been changed. No doubt there are those in your church, and in missions in your city, whose out­ ward lives were very sinful; but now they are men of God who spend their lives try­ ing to win others to Him. Show your friend II Corinthians 5:17: “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” ; Titus 2:12; and other Scriptures. Most of all pray that the Lord will show him the difference between profession and posses­ sion; between reality and make-believe. Only the Holy Spirit can convict a person of his sinfulness and need of a Saviour, John 16:8-11. He alone can change the heart and mind and life. Dear Aunt Betty: I am glad you like teenagers for I am 14 and in my second year high school. H ere is my problem: I am a Christian and 1 want to be a missionary. M y father and mother think this would be all right but they say that first 1 have to finish high school and college and then 1 can take training for a missionary. But l can’t see why I have to study so long fust to be a missionary. What good would Latin and algebra and things like that be? Seems to me if I learn the Bible and a foreign lan­ guage that would be enough. Of course



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