King's Business - 1959-06

T V o n C c t

P r e p a r e F U L L Y for Life 's H i g h e s t G o a l s A four-year, co-educational, distinctively Christian Col­ lege of liberal arts, includ­ ing teacher training and pre-professional courses. Fully accredited. Delightful climate. Write to: Director of Admissions

7 /le (v & C fr% < zm 4 . By James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, BIOLA College Tiny Camera to Aid Surgeons Three European migrants work­ ing for the University of Melbourne surgery department have developed a tiny television camera that can be swallowed and will flash clear pictures of internal organs on the screen. The device is expected to play a big part in the fight against cancer and other diseases. Pictures will be magnified 30 to 40 times on television screen and will allow doctors to see into pre­ viously hidden cavities. It will also reduce the danger of damage by X-rays. The camera tube weighs only a quarter of an ounce. The Surgeons of the University of Mel­ bourne hold high hopes for this development in the treatment of cancer. In a few years, if all goes well, a 12-story cross costing $200,000 will rise from the top of Bald Knob Mountain, near Cobden, 111., scene of one of the nation’s Easter sunrise services. Plain, ordinary pigs are producing much of the revenue for the construction. Monthly proceeds from the sale of hogs raised spe­ cifically for the Bald Knob cross are averaging better than $3,000. About $100,000 is on hand in the cross fund. The unusual method of fund raising is credited to Mrs. Myrta Clutts, 54-year-old widow who will be able to see the shining symbol from the back door of her farm home. Three years ago at a prayer meeting she pledged $100 for the cross to Wayman Presley, a rural mail carrier who started the Bald Knob sunrise service in 1937. “ I’ll have the money for you in six months,” she told Presley. She re­ calls now that she had only $10 in her purse at the time. “ I have faith,” Mrs. Clutts told her family. “ Somehow I’ll find a way to raise the monev.” The way was provided when Old Betsy, a sow on the Pig Raising Fund for Gigantic Cross


Clutt’s farm, gave birth to 21 pigs. Following the suggestion of Mrs. Clutts, Presley sought out farmers who would volunteer to take one of Old Betsy’s numerous offspring and raise new litters. Dozens agreed and pigs for the cross multiplied across Southern Illinois. About 700 are being fattened now. Filipino Laborite Asks Church for Help The head of the Philippine Trade Unions Council, Mr. Cipriano C. Malonzo, recently asked that the Protestant Churches provide labor leaders in the Far East to keep the union from falling to the Commun­ ists. “ Christians must infiltrate and dominate the social-economic strug­ gle in that area, instead of letting the Communists do it,” Mr. Ma- lonzo said. “Whoever helps the masses of Asia secure rice and fish will win them,” he said. Mr. Ma- lonzo came to the United States to ask the Churches’ foreign mission boards to help set up a training school for labor leaders. A former theological student himself, Mr. Malonzo said, “ I don’t use my un­ ion office to proselytize. And the labor people the church trains would not evangelize while they organize. But they would bring to their profession the strong Christian compulsion to do good for their fel­ low men.” He stated, “ The trade union movement in the Far East is in its formative stage. W e have only scratched the surface. There are 3,000,000 industrial workers to be organized, and 4,500,000 agricul­ tural workers.”

KBBI FM 107.5 me. 19,600 watts ★ 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. ★

In Glendale BIOLA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center” 121 W. Wilson - Glendale, Calif. A / 1 I n m n i o f B i o l a . . . A 1 1 . t f p n l i o n ! The annual Alumni Fellowship Banquet and. M eeting will be Friday, June 5, 1959 in the downtown Biola Dining Room. Make reservations by Monday, June 1. $1.50 each BIOLA — MAdison 5-1641



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