King's Business - 1959-06


By INEZ McGAHEY Paul and Dorothy Schwarze ’53 (Kali­ mantan Barat, Indonesia): “ This is the first word which you have received from us from the land of Indonesia. After almost two months of traveling, He has brought us to the land to which He has called and challenged us for many years. Now we are at our jungle outpost attempting to adjust to a strange country, a strange people, a strange food, and strange lan­ guage. The land of Borneo can be described as a land of dirt, disease, and deviltry. Already we have bound up the sores of these people, for medical treatment can be given even before the acquisition of the language. We have had just a glimpse thus far into the ingrained wickedness of a peo­ ple that know nothing of the love and loveliness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lan­ guage study is the immediate objective. Cal and Cornelia (Hettema ’45) Hibbard (Peru, South America): “ Several books of the New Testament have already been translated into Shipibo. Pray that soon they may be printed and may penetrate the hearts of these dear people who are so bound by custom and superstition. A thrilling development has taken place among the Machiguenga Indians. Last April a young Machiguenga school teacher asked to be sent to start a school on the wild Camisea River. He admitted that there wras no village there but was confi­ dent he could get the nomads of the area to attend if a school were started. When recently our translator made a visit, he was delighted to find that a village had been formed and at the center stood the school. These Indians are hearing more of God’s love as well as learning to read and write. Over 120 have gathered, and they think that the Camisea jungle can yield a thou­ sand when all hear about the school and that messengers have come to tell of God’s love.” Dale ’58 and Ruth Sherman (Snohomish, Washington): “W e are thankful for His mighty hand guiding us here in Machias. The fruits of our labors for Him are nu­ merous and thrilling. Our first Sunday here 37 persons were present. Since that first week all the services have shown steady increase. Sunday School rose from 45 to 65; and Bible Study from 7 to 12; and our Child Evangelism, Good News Club, has doubled, with 50 in attendance now. It has been a joy to minister here as several have taken Christ as Lord and Saviour. The peo­ ple have manifested a real love for the Word of God. Several have come to the services as a direct result of visitation.” William ’22 and Hazel (Long ’23) Hun- richs, Gustine, California: “We have been engaged in a house to house visitation work near the coast. One town is finished and work done in three others. One sec­ tion of the town is almost entirely Mexi­ can. Much literature has been distributed there. A Bible class for Mexicans has been started in our home, and already there seems to be a real interest on the part of some. In the released time classes, many of the children raised their hands and prayed with us, professing to accept the Lord as Saviour.”

zen will be spe­ cial speaker this year for the an­ nual graduation exercises of the s c h o o l s of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. For the first year, th e ceremonies will be held out

on the La Mirada BIOLA Campus Sunday afternoon, June 7t.h at 3:30 P.M. The outdoor program will be followed by an early evening vesper service at 6:00 P.M. Other graduation highlights include the annual Alumni Day program and banquet to be held Friday, June 5th with Class Day Exercises on Saturday, held at La Mirada.

“ Just w a i t t i l l w e g e t to t h e campus” These are familiar words for many of the BIOLA family these days. No one repeats them more (and has a good right to say them) than Dr. Arnold Ehlert, Librarian. The over­ crowded downtown facilities are filled to overflowing. Portions of two floors are required now. During early stages of the library construction, Dr. Ehlert points out some of the important features of the structure which will allow proper expansion of this much needed facility.

•Ground breaking ceremonies for the new Dinning Room (Student Com­ mons) b u i l d i n g w e r e highlighted when genial Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Friesen turned the traditional shovel- full of dirt to mark the occasion. Stu­ dents have greatly appreciated the dedicated talents of these two faithful servants of the Lord who manage this important phase of BIOLA’s training program. Standing to the left is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, president; and on the right, Mr. Ray A. Myers, chair­ man of the Board of Directors. Dr. C l y d e M. N a r r a m o r e , Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, and Dr. Louis T. Talbot will be featured speakers dur­ ing the BIOLA Week Bible Conference at the Mount Hermon Conference Grounds, August 9-16. In addition, musical evangelist Phil Kerr will pre­ sent a special program each morning and evening. Tony Fontaine will be featured soloist. Others on the confer­ ence staff include Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Dr. Gordon Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sanders and Mr. Max Williams. Dr. Feinberg will give a series of illustrated prophetic addres­ ses, having just returned from the Holy Land. During the morning, afternoon and evening, there will be a series of youth meetings conducted.

Sometime in June, the thousands of books in BIOLA’s library will be moved from the downtown location to La Mirada’s spacious Daniel Rose Memorial Library. Pictured above is Dr. Louis T. Talbot (LEFT), Chancel­ lor of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, Inc., with Mr. Daniel Rose, director of the Jewish Department and donor of the structure now nearing completion. Colored picture postcards of the BIOLA La Mirada Campus are being sent out this month to more than 40,- 000 people. The photo, taken from the air over the sixty acre site, is espe­ cially designed to interest Christian young people who are graduating from high school this month in attend­ ing BIOLA College. If you would like some of these attractive cards, make the request today.



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