King's Business - 1959-06

MIGHTY MESSAGES in miniature Consecration makes no room for res­ ervation.


The price of shining for Christ is burning. If Christ is outside . . . something is wrong inside. W e hear a lot about good mixers these days . . . but what we really need are more separators. Many accept the Christ of the cross . . . but reject the cross of Christ.

Miss Margaret Har t , formerly director of Chris­ tian education of the San Gabriel Union Chu r c h , has b e e n a p ­ pointed Dean of W o m e n of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Miss Hart, who

Going seven days without praya will make one weak. It's true we have but one life to live . . . but remember we have all eternity in which to live it. Faith honors God . . . God honors faith.

Miss Hart

holds an M.A. degree, is a graduate of BIOLA. Previous to her joining the staff, and assisting in the work follow­ ing the home-going of Mrs. Matilda Boehmer, Miss Jean Clayton efficient­ ly and effectively carried on the work of this important office. Miss Clayton’s service has been deeply appreciated by the school administration. Other recent appointments to the staff include Mr. William Siemens, Dean of Students. Dr. Oran Smith has asked to return to the duties of Director of the Missions Department of the school. Mr. Willis Toms, gradu­ ate this year of the Talbot Theological Seminary, will be director of Admis­ sions and Mr. Robert McCollum, director of physical education. Allen Burr, faithful Bible Institute employee for 34 years, went into the presence of the Lord on March 31 following a sudden h e a r t attack. Everyone who knew “Allen,” as he was better known, appreciated deeply his constant joy and radiance which he displayed in his life .of untiring service. The Bible Institute family will deeply miss Allen. How we thank the Lord for the blessed hope of the believers and the promise of eternal life in Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Uhlinger, pictured below, are honored with their 42nd anniversary of missionary serv­ ice, during a recent meeting at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The Uhlingers were graduated from the Bible Institute in 1916, and have been laboring with the Africa Inland Mis- sion in Africa.

Presenting a four-fold concept of the ministry of the Gospel 9 founded on a thorough training in English Bible. Biblical Languages , Systematic The­ ology. and Practical Theology.

pastorate : Provides the student with the content of his mes­ sage, the manner of delivery of his sermons, successful methods of pastoral work, opportunities for practical experience, and an active placement service after graduation.

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Gives a basic introduction to

* home and foreign missions and provides constant challenge, .through numerous missionary chapels and faculty emphasis, to carry the Gospel to the utter­ most parts of the world. ^ ^ ^ ^

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* bays a firm foundation for theo-

P logical graduate study for stu­ dents desiring education as their life work, and equips its graduates to be successful Bible teachers in the local church and upon the mission field. EVANGELISM*6en#v«**he pastor must be a soul winner, challenges him to this task, supplies him with the tools requisite to winning souls for Christ, and instructs him in their use in the local church and in evangelistic campaigns. m Pw

For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to DIRECTOR, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13800 BIOLA A V E ., LA M IRADA , CA LIF.


JUNE, 1959

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