King's Business - 1959-06

Today young people are loathe to accept correction. When told what may be wrong and how the errors of their ways may be altered, they protest vehemently that the neg­ ative approach" instead of the "positive approach" is being employed. When necessary, the Scriptures present a def­ inite, "negative" approach, warning long ago that to spare the rod was to spoil the child. Since this admonition has not been heeded, and it has become the custom to spare the rod, there are alarming indications that, morally and spir­ itually, the child is indeed spoiled! The whole system of the world's philosophy in regard to human personality and human relationships stems from an utterly erroneous concept of human nature itself. God's Word declares that the heart of man is "desperately wick­ ed" ; that discipline and child training are a part of the divine order of the human family; and that because of sin, if a child is allowed to follow his natural bent, he will walk in the ways of sin and his heart will not be inclined toward good in any way whatsoever. Mental, emotional and moral disaster will follow. Wise Christian psychologists remind us that the happiest and best-adjusted children are those whose liberty is contained within certain bounds ; who are aware of those limitations ; who are disciplined firmly in love ;who are punished for wrong-doing, correct­ ed when they make mistakes, encouraged when they do right and definitely instructed to turn from sin and seek right­ eousness. These men who know the Lord and the eternal truths of His Word, and who have specialized in the study of man as such, should be commended, prayed for, and lis­ tened to by parents and educators everywhere. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to reaffirm its position, based upon the Word of God, in regard to the rearing of children and the training of young people. We need a declaration of the Scriptural teaching of the de­ velopment of godly character, following regeneration, from earliest childhood to maturity. Christian schools like BIOLA are dedicated to this task of Scriptural dis­ cipline and training. It is a source of great satisfaction to the administrators and teachers in these schools to see the fruit of such influence upon the lives of young people who learn life's real values. Thank God, those who submit themselves happily to such training do not turn out to be "softies" - physically, morally or spiritually. We must resore the lost words and the lost discipline in order that we may not find ourselves a nation with a lost generation on our hands; 1959 eah eró: Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter Eugenia Price Raymond Cramer Alan Redpath G. Christian Weiss also Youth Camp and . . . OREGON CENTENNIAL

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