King's Business - 1959-06

Your Best Years Are Just Ahead

Reader Reaction

Children Read Magazine We look forward to each copy of the K in g ’ s B usiness . W e’re so glad we can have this magazine in our home so our children 11 and 13 can have Christian reading material. Mrs. Dewey Dresher, Silverton, Oregon Subscribes For Relatives We attended the Bible conference there this year and were blessed abundantly. With this experience, we came to love the K in g ’ s B usin ess . W e’re sending a check for a year’s subscription for my brother and his wife. We would like to share the blessings of this magazine with our rela­ tives. Mr. & Mrs. John Wall, McPherson, Kans. Distributes to Church Members Please renew my subscription and send me eight copies each of the last two issues. I am giving these away to get members of our church interested in good, real down- to-earth reading that will do old and young alike some good. There’s too much tele­ vision these days and not enough study of God’s Word. Mr. Lewis 0. Reeve, Santa Barbara, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : A limited number of the magazines are available to readers for such distribution. Offer is good only as long as the supply lasts. I would appreciate at least 150 reprints of the recent article by Helen Frazee- Bower, “ Pastors Are People.” M y wife discovered the article between janglings of the telephone, and read it to me immedi­ ately. Praise God for the author’s sympa­ thetic heart. She has so fairly and accur­ ately analyzed our biggest problem . . . our own personal lives. Rev. Russel Ogden First Brethren Church, Akron, Ohio E ditor ’ s N ote : Requests for several thou­ sand additional copies of this helpful article have been requested. Unfortunately, we have not been able to meet the demand. W e have been prayerfully considering a special reprint of the article if funds be­ come available. From Central America This letter is to let you know how much we appreciate the new editions of the K in g ’ s B usiness . It has been a rich source of blessing to us. Edward Murphy, San Jose, Costa Rica More Question Box I wish it were possible to devote several pages to Dr. Talbot’s Question Box instead of one. To me that is one of the most interesting features of the magazine. Edward G. Jasmann Editorial Appreciated Regarding Dr. Sutherland’s editorial in the April issue I was so thankful to read this firm stand against neo-orthodoxy. It was like a spiritual fresh breeze! Mrs. D. Lyons, Hackensack, New Jersey

Wants to See Parsonage Family How about printing a picture of the family spoken of in your monthly column, “ Under the Parsonage Roof” (see page 29). It would be interesting to see the various faces. A Reader E ditor ’ s N ote : W e’re happy to print the picture below of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. A. Miller family. Mr. Miller is pastor of the Grace Livingston Hill Memorial Church, St. Petersburg, Florida. In the front row from left to right, Mark Fre­ mont, 5 years; Ardyth Lois, 7 years; A l­ thea Lynette, 9 years; Paul Kent, 11 years; back row left to right: David Scott, 18 years; Daddy; Dorotheann, 75% years; Sharon Martha, 13 years; Mother; and Bill, 20 years.

A t M oody Bible Institute, you can choose from eight basic courses to prepare for a life o f Christian service: General Bible Pastors Missionary Christian Education Christian Education-Music Sacred Music Jewish Missions Missionary Technical M ood y ’s location in the heart o f Chicago means abundant opportunity for part- time work and for practical Christian experience. Tuition is free, too, because o f the gifts o f thousands o f G od ’s people who want you to have M B I training. Because o f M ood y ’s sound academic standards, many colleges and univer­ sities allow liberal transfer o f credit for work taken. Write today for more information about your best years . . . at M oody Bible Institute. INTERDENOMINATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL Moody Bible Institute 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois Dr. William Culbertson, president I Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean Accredited by Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges Dept. K-9-255 Please send me your latest catalog and pictorial booklet, “ Life at Moody.” Name __________ Address ________ I C ity ----------------------------- Zone _____ State ________ | L------------------------------------------------------- 1

In her recent letter, Mrs. Althea Miller writes: “ This is our first all family picture since the home going of our oldest son. M y mother’s eyes see him next to Bill. But I wouldn’t call him back to this ‘veil of tears.’ P.S. I shall fess up to having had a birthday which added up to 48 years. Whew! There are times I feel 68. Thank you for your prayers. Error in Advertisement In a recent issue, an advertisement was placed for a course in “ Revelations.” Who added that “ s” to “ Revelation” ? This is a common mistake, but to find it in the K in g ’ s B usiness , it made me wonder. Rev. George A. Brown, Hudson, Ontario E ditor ’ s N ote : Reader Brown is correct. The mistake had been noted but not re­ moved in checking. W e appreciate the alertness of friends in calling our attention to these matters. VBS Directory Appreciated May I thank you for the nice write-up concerning the Gospel Publishing House’s new VBS material. Some magazines have left ours out entirely. I have seen the new course, “ Flying with Christ,” and it has tremendous appeal. It is used by many denominations beside ours. May God bless you. Mrs. L. A. Pennington, Colfax, N. Dak. Since 1915 W e like the new layout of the KB very much. I have been a subscriber since 1915 when three months trial subscription fol­ lowed my receiving the Christian Funda­ mentals. I have them all and prize them most highly. Rev. O. M. Kraybill, York, Pennsylvania



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