King's Business - 1959-06

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(A Monthly Page of Names in the News)

Dr. John Walvoord, president of Dal­ las Theological Seminary, will be guest speaker at the 28th annual con­ ference of the General Association of Regular Baptists. The conclave will be held in Rochester, Minnesota, June 22-26. * * Mrs. Katherine

members of the translation staff, Prof. Leon J. Wood, Baptist Theological Sem­ inary and Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Bethel Reformed Church, both of Grand Rapids. Also Mr. Peter deVis- ser, director of publications for Zon­ dervan. Dr. Gerrit Verkuyl (not pic­ tured) was the editor-in-chief. Dr. Russel L. Mixter, chairman of the division of science at Wheaton Col­ lege, is one of 40 American scientists contributing chapters to a current book, “ The Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe.” The volume was recently released by Putnam Publishers.

Dr. Martin J. Wyangaarden, C a l v i n Seminary, presents first edition copies of the Berkeley Version of the Bible to P. J. and B. D. Zondervan, pub­ lishers. Dr. Wyangaarden represented the staff of 20 translators who com­ pleted the modem English transla­ tion. Also pictured are two other Mr. James Truxton, vice-president of Missionary Aviation Fellowship, will lead dedication services June 13 for a new hanger on the organization’s Ful­ lerton, California property. Also par­ ticipating will be Mr. Charles Mellis, secretary-treasurer of MAF. * * * * * Dr. M. R. DeHaan, director of the Radio Bible Class, was keynote speak­ er for the 16th Annual Fellowship of Conservative Baptists, held in Cincin- natti, Ohio, late last month. Other speakers included: Dr. Herbert Hazzard, Rev. Arthur Petznick, and Dr. $. P. An­ derson. Rev. Clyde Kennedy, president of the A m e r i c a n C o u n c i l of Christian Churches, h e a d e d the convention slate of his organization’s annual spring conclave in Des Moines early last month. Speakers included: Dr. Robert T. Ketcham, Dr. Robert D. Ingle, Dr. W. W. Breckbill, and Dr. Carl Me- Intire. Dr. W. Plunkett Martin, director of the school of sacred music at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, will head a seminar during Moody Bible Institute’s “ Study Vacation” in Chicago. Headed by Mr. Donald Hus- tad and assisted by other members of MBI’s faculty, the course is being offered July 6-11. * * * * * Dr. Richard V. Clearwaters, president of the Central Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, has announced the facul­ ty appointment of Dr. Ernest Pickering.

Stenholm, director of motion p i c - ture production for Bob J one s University, has b e e n a wa r d e d the Silver Me­ dallion for 1958 Inter - Collegiate Films.

Dr. Harry G. Bristow, founder-director of the Christian Youth Cinema, Penn­ sylvania, has announced his group’s “ Best Film of the Year 1958 Award” to “ Centerville Awakening,” produced by Gospel Films. Dr. Chester J. Padgett, pastor of the Fountain Avenue Baptist Church of Hollywood, makes elaborate prepara­ tions for his new daily radio ministry. “ Luncheon for Today,” the title, util­ izes the actual ringing of the ship’s steward’s gong as a call to the dining room. Matson Shipping Lines cooper­ ated in the project. T h e picture, “ The Flying An­ gel,” received the honor from the Screen Producers Guild, Inc. Mrs. Stenholm

Dr. E. Schuyler English, chairman of the committee for the revision of the Scofield Reference Bible (left), con­ fers with Mr. Wilbur Ruggles, head of the Religious Department of Ox­ ford University Press. It is not ex­ pected that the new Scofield Bible will be available before 1963. * * * * * Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, president of youth for Christ International, has announced the 15th annual Conven­ tion of his group to be held at Winona Lake, Indiana, June 28 - July 12. Dr. Bob Cook, chairman of the YFC board, will be one of the speakers.



JUNE, 1959

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