MCSS Annual Report 2024

MCSS FY2024 Grants Update Cont.

MCSS FY2026 Grants Outlook MCSS rolled out its primary portfolio of grants in FY2025, including the Safe Schools Fund Grant (SSFG), the SRO Adequate Coverage Grant, and the Hate Crimes Grant (HCG). MCSS also continued its collaboration with the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) to administer the School Safety Grant Program (SSGP) in FY2025. Additionally, the 2024 legislative session saw an addition of two new programs to MCSS portfolio of grants. Senate Bill 540 established the School Mapping Data Program, which was proposed to take effect within the next fiscal year. Likewise, House Bill 1167 established the Secure Schools Emergency Response Grant Program, which is due to take effect on or before September 1, 2026. School Mapping Data Program: Senate Bill 540 (2024 Md. Laws, Ch. 167) established the School Mapping Data Program within MCSS. Pursuant to Education Article §7-1510.1, the School Mapping Data Program allows MCSS to establish a grant program that provides funding for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to produce school mapping data for each public school, including public charter schools; while directing the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) to adopt uniform standards for the mapping of physical attributes of public schools. MCSS is working closely with IAC and many other state and local partners to implement both the standards and the grant program. Both the mapping standards, and the grant program are expected to be released at the beginning of FY26.


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