Annual Emergency Plan Performance During an Emergency Response Pursuant to Ed. Art. § 7-1510(f), MCSS collects data annually from each LEA in the form of a report on the performance of emergency plans . The following information represents the school year 2023-2024 data from all LEAs, with the exception of Baltimore City. At the time of this report’s submission, Baltimore City has not yet reported the required information to MCSS. • 456 threats were made against any school or school system facility • 1,047 emergency responses to a school • 111 emergencies resulted in a lockdown • 264 emergencies resulted in an evacuation • 0 incidents occurred in which a public school’s emergency plan failed in part, or whole, to function as anticipated in a real-world emergency response • 407 school hours were spent in responding to real-world incidents
The table below represents a summary of data submitted by 23 LEAs for the 2023-2024 school year.
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