MCSS Annual Report 2024

Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises Cont.

Key Components of the Statewide TTX MCSS has created and made publicly available an exercise tool kit with materials used during each of the exercises. The tool kit includes: • Materials to help exercise leads prepare for in-person facilitation; • The exercise scenario PowerPoint; and • Discussion prompts for each inject element of the scenario. Each event uses a hybrid format. Local school and emergency response officials meet in person at a location convenient for them while MCSS facilitates the exercise scenario virtually, live streaming to them. This format has helped to engage broad participation and local collaboration. The state team comprised of MCSS and MSDE staff working collaboratively with an external partner to determine the date and time, develop the scenario, and provide all materials necessary for the local leader to engage local participants.

Every exercise requires that a local person operate as the lead facilitator, serving as the primary contact with MCSS and overseeing the exercise with the local team. To enhance the effectiveness of the exercise, participants are encouraged to involve local emergency response personnel who are experienced in conducting simulations. It is recommended that the LEA lead delegate the following key supportive roles to their team. • A Logistical Coordinator to manage practical aspects such as securing space, coordinating with partners, and managing technology requirements. • An On-site Facilitator trained by MCSS to guide the discussion on the simulation day, keeping conversations focused and productive. • An Objective Observer/Recorder to document the discussion and feedback, contributing insights to refine the team’s emergency response strategies.


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