MCSS Annual Report 2024

Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises Cont.

The “Are We Ready” tabletop exercise program was developed and implemented in 2022 to provide a quick resource for schools to practice responding to realistic emergencies. Tabletops are discussion-based activities that allow team members to discuss their roles and how they may react during a particular emergency. MCSS’s “Are We Ready” tabletops are built to last about 10-15 minutes but can be longer if a school injects additional dynamics into an emergency scenario. The tabletop exercises developed by MCSS are built to address many different types of emergencies and audience members, including but not limited to SROs, Teachers, Administrators, Nurses, School Security and students if appropriate. Fourty “Are We Ready” exercises were developed and are available on the MCSS website as a PDF document. Each exercise document includes a unique scenario and guidance on conducting the activity.


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