MCSS Annual Report 2024

Emergency Preparedness Exercises and Training Guidelines

In an effort to increase positive student and staff outcomes following training and drills, Maryland enacted legislation, Maryland House Bill 416, 2024 Session (Chapter 182), that specifically prohibits schools from using techniques that simulate an active assailant scenario. These banned techniques include simulated gunfire, explosions, and individuals acting as intruders. Additional MCSS requirements were enacted within the bill, which have led to the development of the following resources and initiatives.

Best Practice Guidelines For Active Assailant Emergency Preparedness Exercises and Training, October 2024 MCSS, in consultation with multiple subject matter experts, developed the first edition of best practice guidelines. The guidelines in- clude information based on current recom- mended practices, regulations, and legislative requirements for Maryland PreK-12 schools. The document will be reviewed and updated to reflect current data trends and evidence-based practices.

MCSS and the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) Partnership MCSS has entered a five-year partnership with NCSMH at the University of Maryland to gather data from Maryland students, school personnel, and parents following an active assailant drill or training on the impact of the activity. A unique survey for each stakehold- er group was developed for distribution in 2025. Insight from the survey results will be made public annually and used to inform future drills and training guidelines. NCSMH will annually complete a literature review on the “Effectiveness and Psychological Impact of Active Assailant Lockdown Drills In Maryland Schools” that will also be made publicly available on the MCSS webpage.


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