MCSS Annual Report 2024


Safe Schools Maryland Anonymous Reporting System Expanding awareness and access to Maryland’s anonymous school safety tipline, Safe Schools Maryland (SSMD), through communication and outreach. Empowering bystanders to come forward with information about behaviors of concerns and providing school officials with the knowledge and skills to appropriately respond to reports.

Behavior Threat Assessment

Increasing knowledge and skills of Maryland public schools Behavioral Threat Assessment teams to utilize a public health-informed approach that includes community-based organizations and resources as they work to identify resources and supports for individuals who may be on a pathway to violence.

Maryland Coordinated Emergency Response

School Resource Officer and School Security Employee Training Academy 3.0 An updated SRO/SSE Training Academy curriculum developed following a thorough review and re-evaluation as per MPCTC guidelines will be implemented in 2025. The updated curriculum includes new content added by condensing previous material in addition to improving upon core requirements.

Coordinating emergency response and recovery planning, training, and exercises across State agencies in an effort to support a rapid and coordinated response to a school-based incident in all jurisdictions. MCSS will continue to collaborate with key Departments including Emergency Management, State Police, Disabilities, and Education, as well as other local and State agencies to develop and test a coordinated school- based emergency response plan.


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