MCSS Annual Report 2024

Maryland State Agency Partnerships for School Safety Maryland Department of Health (MDH) MCSS assisted the Maryland Department of Health in their ef- fort to increase access to Naloxone in schools in 2024. MCSS staff participated in training on the administration of Naloxone and were able to provide training to local school staff on how to administer, as well as distribute free Naloxone across Maryland. Maryland Department of State Police (MSP) Each year, MCSS collaborates with state agencies to advance the importance of school bus safety. These efforts generally occur in the back-to-school months of September and October in an effort to remind motorists of the road laws related to school buses. Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM) Emergency preparedness in schools requires close collaboration with the Maryland Department of Emergency Management throughout the year. A new collaborative project in April 2024 related to promoting the importance of schools preparing for weather-related emergencies, particularly tornadoes. MCSS staff worked with MDEM to develop a quick visual reference for school staff to learn the steps that should be rehearsed and used in the event of a tornado. This effort will continue in 2025, encouraging schools to participate in the Great Maryland Twister Test in April. Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) MCSS and MSDE maintain a strong collaborative relationship, working together to support public and nonpublic schools throughout the state. Our joint efforts include monthly meet- ings for Behavioral Health Services Coordinators from all 24 lo- cal school systems. Additionally, MSDE has been essential to the development and execution of our statewide tabletop exercis- es. MCSS values this partnership and looks forward to future collaborations. Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC) MCSS is co-located and works closely with the MCAC, which serves as the focal point between federal, state, local, public and pri- vate sector partners in the coordination, gathering, analysis, and dissemination of homeland security and criminal information to keep Maryland safe.


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