Maryland State Agency Partnerships for School Safety Cont.
Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group (AAIWG) The AAIWG is dedicated to enhancing Maryland’s capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from active as- sailant incidents. The AAIWG’s multidisciplinary membership, composed of subject matter experts from across the state, fa- cilitates the identification, updating, and sharing of best prac- tices and current activities. As a member of this group, MCSS is committed to contributing to these efforts and leveraging the collective expertise of its members. Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) Grant funding to locals for school safety projects is managed jointly by MCSS and the IAC. The State-funded capital im- provement grant, School Safety Grant Program, and the Non- public School Security Improvement Grant, are each joint- ly administered. In addition, the IAC and MCSS coordinate school safety evaluations to identify issues with public school facilities that could impact school safety. Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD) MDOD staff are close partners providing insight on unique considerations for individuals with disabilities. MCSS and MDOD have been working closely together over the last several years on various initiatives. MCSS relies heavily on the expertise at MDOD to ensure that all training, resources, and exercises meet the needs for the whole community. Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT) To enhance the cybersecurity posture of our school com- munity, MCSS engages in ongoing collaboration with DoIT- throughout the year. We actively cultivate partnerships among the state’s senior technology leaders and promptly refer any school-related cyber threats to the Security Operations Cen- ter (SOC) and the Office of Security Management (OSM) for immediate attention. In 2025, we will further strengthen our collaboration with DoIT and MDEM to deliver a suite of school-based cybersecurity resilience initiatives, encompass- ing comprehensive assessments, robust incident response plans, and targeted training and exercises. MView MCSS actively promoted and collaborated with MView to bring on board users from local law enforcement and public/ private schools, expanding the platform’s reach.
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