
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Commercial Office Spotlight — February 22 - March 14, 2013 — 1B


C ommerCial o ffiCe S potlight

PA Commercial Office for Every User

3864 Adler Place Bethlehem, Pa. Fantastic Investment Opportunity in Bethlehem Business Park ±26,822 multi-tenanted SF Parking for 100+ vehicles Cap Rate: 8% 100% back-up generator

Adjacent to LVIP IV Call for more info!

65 E. Elizabeth, Bethlehem Suites: ±386 SF to ±9,058 SF Negotiable rates available!

1227 W. Liberty St., Allentown Suites: ±300 SF to ±10,000 SF Tenants: St. Luke’s Health, WIC

1013 N. Brookside Rd., Macungie Suites: ±250 SF to ±1,300 SF Minutes to I-78 and I-476!

Call 610-391-8888 for more info!

Dietr i ck Group, LLC— Spec ia l i z ing in commerc i al rea l estate sa les/ leas ing , appra i sal and proper ty management . 5100 W. Tilghman Street, Suite 320 • Allentown, PA 18104 • p: 610.391.8888 • f: 610.391.8830 • dietrickgroup.com

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