
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — February 22 - March 14, 2013 — A


M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal By Tim McEntyre RonaldSchmidt&Assocs.welcomes new year as 32 nd in business

They wrote the policy.

We make sure they write the check.


hile the nation con- tinues to endure the worst economic de-

county, and state entities. Throughout three decades of operations, Ronald Schmidt & Associates, has successfully completed a host of award-win- ning projects acclaimed by third parties of impressive architectural pedigree. One recent example is the $100 Mil- lion, 200,000 s/f John Theurer Cancer Center for Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ, named by U.S. News & World Report Magazine, as one of the Top 50 Healthcare Projects in the Nation, and was the only New Jersey cancer unit so honored. The American Institute of

Architects (AIA) has praised the Hackensack (NJ) hospital innovation as the finest ar- chitecturally designed cancer facility in the state. In addition, the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA), New Jersey’s largest business advocate with 23,000 company members, picked the Theurer Center for its prestigious 2012 New Good Neighbor Award, conferred for the state’s Top 10 Building Projects. “We always welcome kind words of appreciation about our work,” Schmidt noted. “But, it’s really something special when continued on page 12A

c l ine s ince t h e G r e a t Depress i on of the 1930’s, Englewood, New Jersey- based Ron- ald Schmidt & Associates, P.A., (RSA),

M. MILLER & SON Public Adjusters Since 1960

Ronald Schmidt

the prominent Architectural and Interior Design firm, cel- ebrates 2013 as RSA’s 32nd successful year in business, the anniversary of its founding by Ronald H. Schmidt, AIA, Presi- dent & CEO. Celebrating in the world of architecture is a rarity these days, where unemployment has ravaged the professional segment, vaulting levels to an unthinkable 35%; where one historic New Jersey design leader shuttered their doors after 104 years in business, and scores of other firms have writ- ten their obituaries or suffered major cutbacks; where the cre- ation of office buildings, which has been the ‘foundation’ of real estate development for de- cades, has all but disappeared from the project vocabulary; where healthcare reimburse- ment uncertainty has caused a ‘pause’ in hospital construc- tion projects; and where hotel design, another RSA area of expertise, has also dramatically declined. Celebrate, how so? “We’re grateful,” declares Schmidt, “we are extremely busy. Our long list of past, present, and new clients, continue to call upon us for important work, sustaining and growing their organizations. Many other firms have faced critical losses, while we have maintained our profitability and our staff, throughout this extremely dif- ficult economic downturn.” The Ronald Schmidt & As- sociates blueprint for success includes Planning and Project Management in addition to Ar- chitecture and Interior Design, and while headquartered in the Garden State, its seal of qual- ity and expertise is stamped on various types of projects in 22 states which include;, Health Care Institutions, Colleges and Universities, K-12 Public and Private Schools, Hotels, Corpo- rate Offices and Headquarters; and, a host of Federal Build- ings, including the U.S. Postal Service and Coast Guard, as well as projects for municipal,

1211 Liberty Ave., Hillside, NJ 07205 � Tel: 908-355-4800 adjuster@mmillerson.com � www.mmillerson.com

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