
A — February 22 - March 14, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal www.marejournal.com M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal A uctions Honoring Pennsylvania’s top professional auction companies Fortna Auctioneers receives award at 2013 Paa Convention for marketing expertise H arrisburg, PA — FortnaAuction- eers & Marketing

Central Pennsylvania did very well again, as Fortna Auctioneers & Marketing Group walked off with three top awards: • Best Commerical / Indus- trial Personal Property, • Best Commerical / Indus- trial Real Estate, and • Best Real Estate Auction Website “This is not the first time we’ve done well in this impor- tant peer competition,” said Fortna founder and president Michael Fortna ,” but it never gets old! Recognition like this shows the industry that we continue to, as our slogan states, “Driving the Real Estate Auction Revolu- tion”. We are honored to have the Fortna Team recognized by our own industry peers”. “The award that means the most to me is the Best Website,” said Fortna’s Bill Bering Jr. , “when you talk auction revolution, it begins with the growing importance of the website as a marketing tool. The immediacy of the medium keeps our clients and prospects completely up to date on what we are do- ing, but it also allows people to bid for properties on-line as well as through the tra- ditional live auction method. In fact, when you do them simultaneously, the dynam- ics of the process are taken to a new level. It is truly a revolution.” FortnaAuctioneers &Mar- keting Group has been rap- idly expanding beyond Penn- sylvania’s borders. “We are actively dealing with sales in New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and the mid-At- lantic Region. And we have a dynamic presence in Florida,” said Bob Bering. “ Michael Fortna has finalized an af- filiation with Atlantic Prop- erties International, a real estate company with over 30 years in the South Florida market.” “We have a bright future in store for Florida,” saidMichael Fortna, ”this affiliation mar- ries the traditional real estate method of selling with our Auction Selling techniques, which we have developed over the last 30 years. It is a win- win business partnership.” The principals of FortnaAuc- tioneers & Marketing Group areMichael Fortna, Bill Bering, Jr. and Bob Bering. n

“This is not the first time we’ve done well in this impor- tant peer competition,” said Fortna founder and president Michael Fortna,” but it never gets old! Recognition like this shows the industry that we continue to, as our slogan states, “Driving the Real Estate Auction Revolution”. We are honored to have the Fortna Team recognized by our own industry peers”.

Group wins top honors for their marketing expertise at the 2013 Pennsylvania Auc- tioneer’s Association (PAA) Convention. The Pennsylvania Auction Association (PAA) gathered this month for the Annual AwardsMeeting at the Shera- ton Harrisburg. The occasion was to honor the state’s top professional auction compa- nies for a number of market- ing related categories.

WednesdAy, MArch 27 th • 2 pm held at the Marriott hotel, newark Airport, 1 hotel road, newark, nJ A U C T I O N Commercial • Mixed Use/Income Producers • Development Land • Farms

MIDDLETOWN, Monmouth County BANK ORDERED - Minimum bid $250,000 • 7,800+/- Sq. Ft. Residential Office Building LIBERTY TWP, Warren County BANK ORDERED • 33.29+/- Acre Farm w/House WEsT NEW YORk, Hudson County BANK ORDERED • Income Producer- Mixed Use LIBERTY TWP, Warren County BANK ORDERED • 2 Bedroom Cape BLAIRsTOWN, Warren County BANK ORDERED • 4,200+/- Sq. Ft. Commercial Building IRVINGTON, Essex County BANK ORDERED • Former Day Care/Mixed Use Income Producer FRANkLIN, sussex County ABSOLUTE AUCTION - BANK ORDERED • 3,542+/- sq. ft. main street office building Property Previews March 5 & 14 - 11 am to 1 pm

MT. OLIVE, Morris County ABSOLUTE AUCTION - BANK ORDERED • 1,649+/- SF Professional Building BETHLEHEM TWP., Hunterdon County BANK ORDERED • 2,059+/- Sq. Ft. New Office Building Property Previews March 5 & 14 - 2 pm to 4 pm

BOnUs 8 PrOPerties Added See maxspann.com for details.

Property Previews On Your Schedule

ROXBURY, Morris County Minimum Bid $250,000 • 62.18+/- Acres • Site plan approved for 100,000+/- SF Building & Restaurant pad site. • Interchange of I-80 & 206 HOLLAND TWP, Hunterdon County Previous Ask $395,000 - Minimum Bid $150,000 • 49+/- Acre Farm • Ideal for small farm or country home with potential to subdivide.

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