King's Business - 1915-06

By Philip Mauro

C onverted to C h ristian ity a fte r m any Y ears of G roping in T heosophy

I ntroduction *— A s th e su b ject o f T h eo so p h y h ad n o t been tre a te d in T h e F u n d a m e n ­ tals, w e w ro te to M r. P h ilip M a u ro to fu rn ish u s an a rticle u p o n th a t su b ject, th in k in g th a t n o' one w as b e tte r qualified to do th is w o rk th an he. In rep ly in g to. o u r .request, M r. M a u ro sen d s u s th e accom p an y in g a rticle on “T h e O rd e r o f th e S ta r in th e E a s t,” saying, “T h is w o u ld be, in m y opinion, m o re u sefu l an d m o re in terestin g , th a n an article d ealin g in a g en eral w ay w ith th e d o c trin es o f T h eo so p h y .” T h is a rticle h as a lre ad y been in p rin t a n d it is n o t th e u su a l cu stom e ith e r o f F u n d am en ta ls o r T he K ing ’ s B usiness to re p rin t articles, th o u g h it h as been done, b u t M r. M a u ro ’s a rticle is so tim ely an d o f so g re a t im p o rtan ce an d s6 closely co n n ected w ith th e su b ject u p o n w hich w e ask ed him to w rite th a t w e p rin t it h e re.— E ditor .

OR many centuries of our era the progressive nations of the West were separated from the

and that commerce has not been lim­ ited to material things. There has been, and is yet in progress, an ex­ change of spir itu a l things, which, though but little attention is paid thereto, is of the utmost importance to mankind as a whole. The people of the East have shown themselves ready enough to receive the products of Western factories; and also to imbibe Western.ideas of warfare, and even of .constitutional Or (so-called) “self-government.” But the attempts to introduce true Chris­ tianity among them have met with stubborn resistance and formidable obstacles. Some individuals, indeed, have received thfe Word of the truth

__ unprogressive nations of the East as by an impassable partition wall. The necessary consequence was that, during those centuries, many and great differences developed between these two sections of the human race. Within recent years, however, that wall has been completely broken down. The resulting fusion that has taken place between human elements, long kept apart, has produced many ‘ and portentous consequences-—and the end is not yet. A great commerce, or exchange of products, has ensued;

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