King's Business - 1915-06



that day of His power there will issue out of His Mouth, not precepts for the guidance of the nations that have long rejected Him, but “a sharp sword that with it He should smite the na­ tions” ; and in that day His arrows shall be sharp in the heart of the King’s enemies (Rev. 19; Psa. 45, etc.). 4. Enough has already been said to show how those who accept the “Declaration of Principles” of this new Order, will be completely de­ ceived and thrown off their guard as to the circumstances that will attend the coming again of the Lord Jesus. But the great Deceiver has a more terrible object than that to accomp­ lish. His aim is not merely to mis­ lead men as to the manner of the Second Coming of Christ, but to pre­ pare them to accept the Antichrist, “whose coming is after the work ­ ing oe S atan .” The “Declaration of Principles,” and the other things contained in the pamphlet, and in the lectures given by Mrs. Besant (which are largely attended), are well calcu­ lated to prepare the minds of men to receive, and bow to the authority of “that Wicked One, the Son of Perdi­ tion.” This is the reason for the emphasis laid upon “recognizing” and “showing reverence” to human greats ness. (See Clause 6 of the Declara­ tion of Principles). Note carefully the following and similar exhortations contained in the pamphlet:, “Rever­ ence greatness wherever you see it.” “Oh, cultivate reverence, although it be against the common feeling of the time.” “When you are able-to feel reverence, then, do not put a check on the love that flows out to that which you see to be greater than vourself; but nourish the feeling of devotion,” etc. “If any of you would fain be among those who, on seeing Him will leave all and follow, then cultivate that feeling in your daily life.” It is easy to see how such in­

structions as these serve to prepare the way for the “Man of Sin,” who will demand the worship of 'his fel­ lows, opposing and exalting himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped (2 Thess. 2). All this is clearly in preparation for the ful­ fillment of that which is written: “And all the world wondered after the Beast.” “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13). CRAFTY LEADERS. 5. It is especially to be noticed that the Instigator of the new Order has, with consummate craftiness, laid hold of those very qualities, “Devotion, Steadfastness, and Gentleness,” which Christ enjoined upon His own disci­ ples, ,but which they have, to a great extent, neglected. The great Deceiv­ er has accordingly enjoined the culti­ vation of those qualities as a fitting preparation for association with “the great Teacher, when he comes.” In pressing this part of the Declaration of Principles, Mrs. Besant boldly uses the name “Christ,” saying, “If you would know the Christ when He comes, cultivate the spirit of the Christ—to bear insult with forgive­ ness, to bear accusation in silence, to refrain from anger, not to return evil with evil, but with good. And if in yourselves you can develop those Christlike qualities, then shall your vision be clear to recognize Him when He comes.” “If you would know the Christ when He comes, try to de­ velop in yourself, not only that gen­ tleness and patience, but all the quali­ ties that go to the making of the spir­ itual man.” This is surely a specimen of “the depths of Satan.” Let it be borne in mind that the foregoing exhortations are addressed to those who have re­ jected “the Christ, the Son of the

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