King's Business - 1915-06

The Be s t Book s as Praye r

In this list of books you will find those that treat on every phase of prayer and the prayer life—and each book listed below is the very best in its particular sphere. P le a s e r e a d c a r e f u lly . P r a y e r : I ts N a t u r e a n d S c o p e By H. Clay Trumbull. These thoughts T h e P r a y e r L if e

By Andrew Murray. In this book the author endeavors to lead the eager searcher a fte r a more real spiritual life into nearer accord w ith the mind of the M aster, en­ abling him to renew his heritage in a great outpouring of the S p irit. .....l....:i.......,.„..__;..---- :....------.........Cloth, 50c I n t h e S e c r e t o f H is P r e s e n c e By G. H. Knight. This book deals especially w ith the inner soul-experiences which vitalize the life th a t is seen. I t sets fo rth the sacred privilege of secret fellow ­ ship w ith God.............................. Cloth, $1.00 P r a y i n g in t h e H o l y G h o s t By G. H. C. MacGregor. A prayer in ­ spiring and increasing volume* full of clear and comprehensive guidance. .... .................. ...... .........................Cloth, 40c T h e V o ic e o f G o d U n h e a r d a n d t h e R e a s o n W h y By John A. D. Adams. The author makes it very clear th a t God has not, in th is age, w ithdraw n H imself from acting directly in behalf of those who p u t th eir tru st in Him, b u t is ju st as prompt to hear and to respond to the prayer of fa ith as in any p ast age. ......................... Cloth, $1.00 P o w e r T h r o u g h P r a y e r By E. M. Bounds. Touches the weak points of our public as well as p rivate prayer life / and gives excellent counsel. N inth edition.................................. Cloth, $1.00 Cheaper edition ( ‘ ‘ Preacher and P ray er ’ ’) fo r .....................--------—..T.. ....................... 35c R e a l P r a y e r By Cortland Myers. The author makes prayer the one great reality. He tak es th is world force, reveals its un­ measurable value, and makes it intensely practical. ............ ............................. Cloth, 50c Reliable Religious L iterature.

about prayer were w ritten prim arily for the meeting of difficulties which trouble many minds w ith reference to the true basis of prayer, its scope and its lim ita­ tions. They point . out to doubters the reasons for and the reasonableness of fittin g , prayer, and suggest caution and w arning as to the mode and m atter of prayer, H o w t o P r a y By R. A. Torrey. A book of sug­ gestions on the duty and privilege of prayer. “ I t is w ritten wisely, system ati­ cally, in clear, straightforw ard style, w ith ­ out a suggestion of can t or,egotism . There is a certain fresh earnestness of tone which is a real earnestness. ’f—The Church­ man. ............................. Paper, 15c; Cloth, 50c W i t h C h r is t In the School of Prayer. By Andrew - Murray. Not the newest book on prayer, b u t th e best.. This book has been blessed in sending thousands of readers to the M aster’s word to take H is wondrous promises simply and literally as they stand, and they have found an unspeakable blessing in learning how completely Christ is our life, and how He undertakes to be and to do all in us th a t we need. Cloth, 35c and_____ ..__—....... .75 M e n W h o P r a y e d By Henry W. Frost. Fam iliar, heart- to-heart talk s w ith the reader concerning th e lives of th e Old T estam ent saints who offered prayer to Jehovah. I E ssentially a study of men of vastly different types............................. ..Cloth, $1.00 , Send for Catalogue of Please address all book orders to

T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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