Clay • To take or kill any wild animal or wild bird with the use of a firearm or to discharge a firearm from, on, or across the right-of-way of a public road, street, highway or other public vehicular area. • Shine a light intentionally upon any wild animal, including, but not limited to, deer, coyotes, or feral swine, from the right-of- way of any public road, street, or highway between the hours of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. Cleveland • Hunt from a public road right-of-way. Columbus • Set a steel trap between March 1 – Jan. 1. • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or wild bird with a firearm on, from or across the right- of-way of any public road or highway without obtaining written permission of the owner or lessee of the land abutting the road or the land across which the weapon is being discharged. Craven • Unless a person owns or possesses a lease- hold, it is unlawful to hunt, take, kill or to shoot from, on, or across a road right-of-way on S.R. 1611, S.R. 1613, S.R. 1614, S.R. 1615, S.R. 1617, S.R. 1619 or on S.R. 1401 from Washington Post Road to N.C. 55. • Hunt on or from a public road within an area posted against such by the Wildlife Resources Commission. • Hunt on land within 100 yards of Trent River between the U.S. 70 bridge and a straight line from Haywards Creek to Ready Branch. • Hunt on land within 100 yards of Brices Creek between Trent River and the S.R. 1004 bridge. • Hunt from or shoot across S.R. 1600 (Broad Creek Road) east of N.C. 55 to its terminus near Broad Creek. • Hunt on or from N.C. 306, S.R. 1004, U.S. 70 from S.R. 1225 to .6 mile east, or S.R. 1225 from S.R. 1226 to .6 mile south. • Take any animal or bird on or from the right- of-way of S.R. 1144.
• Hunt, take or kill any animal or bird on or from the right-of-way of S.R. 1101 from S.R. 1004 to the U.S. Forestry Service boundary. • Hunt, take or kill any bird or animal on, from or across the right-of-way of S.R. 1258 from its intersection with N.C. 55 to the intersec- tion of S.R. 1251. • Hunt, take or kill any bird or animal on, from or across the right-of-ways of S.R. 1230, S.R. 1229 and S.R. 1620. • Unless a person owns or possesses a lease- hold, it is unlawful to hunt, take or kill any animal or bird on or from the right-of-way of S.R. 1633, known as Brown Farm Road, S.R. 1637, known as Alligator Road, and state roads 1638 and 1639 known as Maul Swamp Road. • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or wild bird on, from or across the right-of-way of S.R. 1477. • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or bird on or from the right-of-way of S.R. 1459 from Riverside Church north to S.R. 1460. • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or bird on or from the right-of-way of S.R. 1460 from its intersection with S.R. 1459 west to the Pitt County line. • Unless a person owns or possesses a leasehold interest in the real property adjacent to the portion of the road on which the person is lo- cated, it is unlawful for that person to discharge a firearm from, on or across the right-of-way of S.R. 1862 from Adams Creek Road to the end of the state-maintained portion of the road. Cumberland • Set a steel-jaw leghold trap on another per- son’s land, except for beaver or muskrat on lands of one with whom the trapper has a contract for trapping. • Hunt with a firearm from or on a public road or the right-of-way thereof. Currituck • Note: The Poplar Branch Township on the Out- er Banks is included within the Maximum Ant- lerless Deer Season for Currituck County. Dur- ing the Regular Gun Deer Season in that portion of Poplar Branch Township on the Outer Banks, there is an open season for hunting or taking
antlered or antlerless deer using only shotguns, bow and arrow, and blackpowder firearms. The Eastern Deer Season dates and all restric- tions that apply to the Bow-and-Arrow and Blackpowder seasons in Currituck County also apply to the Poplar Branch Township. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Currituck National Wildlife Refuge, included here, offers limited big game hunting; contact Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge or visit fws.gov/southeast/ reading-room/?search=Currituck+hunt for more information. • Hunt waterfowl within 500 yards of another’s licensed blind. NOTE: A Currituck Game Com- mission License is not required for temporary waterfowl blinds on game lands. However, unlicensed temporary blinds on game lands in this county shall not be hunted if a licensed float blind is established within 500 yards of the unlicensed blind before game land hunters have occupied the blind. Likewise, licensed float-blind hunters shall not estab- lish a float-blind position within 500 yards of an unlicensed game land blind if game land hunters have occupied the blind first. Unlicensed float blinds on game lands must be used within five yards of the game lands shoreline and shall not be established within 500 yards of a licensed point, bush or float blind. Licensed float-blind hunters shall not establish a float-blind position within 500 yards of an established game land float-blind position if the game land hunters have estab- lished the game land float-blind position first. • Hunt with a firearm from the right-of-way of S.R. 1140, S.R. 1218, S.R. 1227, S.R. 1229, S.R. 1248, S.R. 1249, S.R. 1250, S.R. 1251, S.R. 1252, S.R. 1253 or of U.S. 168 north of Moyock Creek. • For more information on the Currituck Game Commission’s laws, rules and waterfowl blind licenses, please visit currituckgamecommission. com , or call 252-429-3472. NOTE: Dare and Currituck counties require licensing of waterfowl blinds, and certain re- strictions apply to hunting waterfowl in these two counties. For more information, contact: Dare County Game and Wildlife Commission, P. O. Box 1000, Manteo, N.C. 27954. Dare • Chase deer with dogs, or permit a dog to chase deer, between March 1 and June 30, except for the mainland and Durant Island. • Hunt transitory waterfowl from an unli- censed blind, except on or within five yards of the shoreline of game lands. • Use any trap that has a jaw spread that ex- ceeds 7½ inches until after Jan. 2 of each year or the last day of deer hunting season, whichever is later. • The Dare County Game and Wildlife Com- mission has recently updated its regulations regarding waterfowl blinds. For more infor- mation on the Dare County Game and Wild- life Commission’s laws, rules and waterfowl blind licenses, call 252-475-5633.
Disposal of Deer Carcasses • Disposing of deer or any other animal remains on roadsides,
• Dispose of game remnants in a prompt and responsible manner. • Where permissible, bury remains at least two feet deep. • Contact your area landfill or solid waste management provider for local policies and more information.
waterways or on property (without permission or where restricted) is illegal in North Carolina. • Irresponsible dumping of deer car- casses sends the wrong image of a great sport, can spread disease, and could result in misdemeanor and felony charges.
Be a responsible and ethical hunter!
98 2024–2025
Please note: Major regulation changes appear in RED
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