Macon • Hunt, take or kill white-tailed deer from, on or across the right-of-way of any public road, street or highway. • Shine a light intentionally upon any wild animal, including, but not limited to, deer, coyotes, or feral swine, from the right-of- way of any public road, street, or highway between the hours of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. Madison • Hunt from a public road right-of-way. Martin • It is unlawful to hunt with or discharge a firearm on, from, or across the right-of-way of any highway or public road. It is unlaw- ful to possess a loaded firearm outside the passenger compartment of a vehicle while on the roadway or highway right-of-way, un- less the person is the owner or lessee of the land abutting the right-of-way or has on his person the written permission of the owner or lessee of the land abutting the right-of- way to hunt the land, dated within the last 12 months, or the person has a concealed carry permit and is only carrying a loaded, concealed weapon. • Discharge a rifle of greater than .22-caliber, except from an elevated position in which the rifle is a minimum of eight feet above the ground. • To take deer from any vessel in the Roanoke River, or its tributaries, except for those por- tions of the river and its tributaries that are adjacent to the border with Washington County whether the vessel is under power or not. McDowell • Discharge a firearm from the right-of-way of a state-numbered road for the purpose of taking big game animals. This does not apply to those portions along N.C. 105 bordered on both sides by game lands. Mecklenburg • Hunt deer with any rifle, except that a blackpowder rifle may be used during the primitive-weapons season. • Hunt with a firearm from a public road or highway right-of-way. Mitchell • Hunt, take or kill any wild bird or wild animal except bear or boar with a firearm from, on or across a public road right-of-way. Moore • In Sandhill and Mineral Springs townships: (1) hunt any game animal on another’s land with- out possession of written permission of the owner or lessee; (2) hunt with a rifle of greater than .22 rimfire caliber or capable of firing .22 centerfire ammunition (ie. .223, .22-250, .222 etc are not legal firearms under this law),
Hyde • Hunt game animals with dogs, unless ac- companied by a licensed hunting guide or with a permit from the owner of the land. • Hunt migratory waterfowl from a public road. • Hunt with a rifle from a public road. • Hunt with guns or dogs or to hunt with a bow and arrow or crossbow upon the lands of anoth- er without permission of the owner or lessee. Iredell • Hunt, any animal or bird on or from the right- of-way of any public road. • Hunt, fish or trap on land of another without written permission. Jackson • Unlawful to kill any wild animal or wild bird with the use of a firearm or to discharge a firearm from, on, or across the right-of-way of a state-maintained road, street or highway. • Unlawful to shine a light intentionally upon a deer or in search of deer between ½ hour after sunset and ½ hour before sunrise. Johnston • It is unlawful to take wildlife or attempt to take wildlife on the land of another, or to fish on the land of another, without having on one’s person while hunting or fishing the written permission, signed and dated for the current hunting or fishing season, of the landowner or lessee, or the landowner’s or lessee’s desig- nee. The written permission shall not be valid for more than one year and may be valid for a shorter period stated in the permission. • Take wildlife or attempt to take wildlife on the land of another while under the influence of an impairing substance. • Hunt with a loaded firearm on a state-main- tained road. • Discharge a firearm on or across a state- maintained road. • Hunt deer with dogs or allow a dog to chase deer. • Hunt deer with a rifle on another’s land or on an adjoining public road without written permission of the owner. Jones • Hunt, with firearms, any animal or bird on, or from, or across the right-of-way of any paved public road or highway. Lee • Hunt with any weapon while on the land of another without written permission dated within one year. • Hunt with any weapon, any wild animal or bird, or discharge a firearm on, from or across the right-of-way of any public road. Lenoir • Release hunting dogs onto posted land with- out written consent of the owner. • Hunt on or from the right-of-way of a pub- lic road.
except that a blackpowder rifle may be used when positioned at least eight feet above the ground. Please refer to township maps for Moore County on County GIS website. • Shine a light on deer between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise. • Hunt deer on the land of another without written permission dated within one year. • Hunt, take or kill deer on, from or across a right-of-way of any public road. • Hunt deer with dogs unless each dog bears a collar, tag or other identification with the owner’s full name and address. Nash • Take migratory waterfowl on, from or over the Rocky Mount Tar River Reservoir or within 500 yards thereof, except within “Zone E” with permission of the affected landowner and subject to the rules and regulations of the City of Rocky Mount. See rockymountnc.gov/ parks/hunting.html for more detail. • Discharge a firearm from, onto or across a public road. • Hunt deer with a rifle, except from a stand at least six feet above the ground. • It is unlawful to hunt on OR discharge any rifle on or across the right-of-way of any road. • Hunt on the land of another without written permission from the owner or lessee. New Hanover • Hunt a fox with dogs in Federal Point town- ship south of the Intracoastal Waterway. Northampton • Take deer with the aid of a boat in or within 100 yards of the Roanoke River below U.S. 301. • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or wild bird with a firearm on, from or across the right-of-way of any public road or highway. • Discharge a rifle larger than .22-caliber on another’s land or from the right-of-way of a public road across such land without writ- ten permission of the owner or lessee and unless positioned at least eight feet above the ground. (This section does not apply to property owned or managed by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission.) • Possess a firearm on a motor-propelled ves- sel (except an outboard with the motor re- moved and stored) on Meherrin River during the open deer season. • It unlawful to Leave or place any equipment or vessels that may be used for the purpose of taking migratory waterfowl, including, but not limited to, mobile or temporary blinds, layout boats, and decoys between two hours after sunset and 4:00 A.M. each day unless remaining on a portion of the shoreline or at- tached to a dock as authorized by the owner of the shoreline or dock. Onslow • Hunt any wild animal or bird from the right- of-way of any public road without written permission of the owner or lessee of the land that abuts the road.
100 2024–2025
Please note: Major regulation changes appear in RED
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