2024-2025 North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting & Trapping…


Stanly • Hunt with a firearm from the right-of-way of a public road. • Unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife or fish on the land of another, without having on one’s person written permission signed and dated for the current hunting and fishing season, of the landowner or lessee. • Unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife on the land of another while under the influ- ence of an impairing substance. Stokes • Discharge a firearm in taking game animals from the right-of-way of a public road ad- joining posted land without permission of the owner or person in charge of such land. • Hunt an animal with a firearm from a pub- lic road. Surry • Hunt any animal with a firearm from a public road, highway or street. Transylvania • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or bird from, on or across the right-of-way of a public road, street, highway or other vehicular area. • Hunt on the land of another without having written permission from the landowner or lessee dated within the previous 12 months. Tyrrell • To hunt, take, or kill, or to attempt to hunt, take or kill, any wild animal or wild bird with a firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow on, from, or across the right-of-way of any state-maintained road or to discharge any firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow on, from, or across the right-of-way of any state- maintained road or highway. This does not apply to hunters lawfully recovering dogs as long as weapons remain in a motor vehicle or to a person lawfully engaged in the act of taking bullfrogs with a rimfire weapon. • To possess a loaded firearm while on the right-of-way of any state-maintained road or highway outside the confines of the pas- senger area of the vehicle. • To hunt, take, or kill, or to attempt to hunt, take or kill, any wild animal or wild bird with a firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow, or dogs or to possess a loaded firearm outside the confines of the passenger area of the vehicle, on the land of another, without the written permission of the landowner or les- see of the land, dated and valid for no more than one year. This law does not apply to a person who leases land for the purpose of hunting while hunting on that leased land or to a member of a hunting club with a current and valid membership card while hunting on club land. • Hunt with a gun or dog on another’s land without permission of the owner or lessee.

Union • Hunt, take or kill a wild animal or wild bird from, on or across the right-of-way of any public road or highway. • Discharge a firearm from, on or across the right-of-way of any state-maintained road. • It is unlawful to hunt or fish on the land of an- other without having written permission on one’s person, signed and dated for the current hunting or fishing season, of the landowner or lessee, or the landowner’s or lessee’s designee. The written permission shall not be valid for more than one year and may be valid for a shorter period stated in the permission. The written permission shall be displayed upon request of any law enforcement officer of the Wildlife Resources Commission, by sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, and by other law enforcement officers with general subject matter jurisdiction. • It is unlawful for a person to take wildlife or attempt to take wildlife on the land of another while under the influence of an im- pairing substance or after having consumed sufficient alcohol that the person has an al- cohol concentration of 0.08 or more. Vance • Hunt or discharge a firearm on any land that has been registered with the sheriff and posted, or on a highway abutting such land, without having in possession a valid entry permit. (Before hunting or discharging a firearm on any land or an abutting highway, it is the affirmative duty of the hunter or marksman to make appropriate inquiry about whether the land is registered and to look for posted signs that may indicate such status.) • Hunt wild animals or wild birds from, on or across the right-of-way of any public road or highway. • Discharge a centerfire rifle from, on or across the right-of-way of any public road or highway. Wake • Hunt deer with a dog on another’s land with- out written permission of the owner. • Shoot at a deer from, on or across the right- of-way of a county road or state highway. • Take any animal with a centerfire rifle, unless the person is positioned at least eight feet above the ground. • Possess a loaded firearm or hunt on the land of another without written permission. • Possess loaded shotguns or centerfire rifles upon highway right-of-ways. • It is unlawful to hunt with firearms while un- der the influence of an impairing substance. Warren • Hunt or possess a firearm or bow and arrow without acquiring an entry permit before entering on registered lands or remaining on an abutting portion of the highway. • Take deer with a rifle on another’s land or from the right-of-way of a public road adjoin- ing such land, without written permission of the owner.

Washington • Use a firearm, bow and arrow or crossbow on, from or across the right-of-way of any state-maintained road. • Possess a loaded shotgun or centerfire rifle while on the right-of-way of any state-main- tained road or highway outside the confines of the passenger area of a vehicle (not ap- plicable to the owner of the land). • Hunt, take or kill a wild animal or wild bird with firearms and dogs, or to possess a loaded firearm outside the confines of the passen- ger area of a vehicle on the land of another, without the permission of the landowner or lessee. • Hunt, take or kill any wild animal or wild bird with a firearm, bow and arrow or crossbow on, from or across the right-of-way of any state-maintained road or highway. Watauga • Hunt, take or kill any species of wild ani- mal or wild bird by loaded firearm or lethal weapon from the right-of-way of any state- maintained road or to discharge a firearm or weapon across any such road. Wayne • Set a steel trap or Conibear®-type trap, or take an animal therefrom, on another’s land without a written lease authorizing trapping. • Hunt deer with dogs or allow dogs to chase deer. • Hunt with a loaded gun or discharge same on or across a state-maintained road. • Hunt deer with a rifle on another’s land, or from a public road adjoining such land, with- out written permission of the landowner. • Hunt with guns or dogs or to hunt with a bow and arrow or crossbow upon the lands of another without permission of the owner or lessee. Wilkes • Shoot a raccoon while training coon dogs during closed season. • Hunt animals with a firearm from a public road, except that bear or wild boar may be taken from any unpaved road. • Hunt, fish or trap on land of another without written permission. Wilson • Hunt from a public road right-of-way. • Hunt deer with rifles, except from a station- ary stand that is elevated at least eight feet above the ground. • Hunt on the land of another without having, on one’s person, written permission, signed and dated for the current hunting season by the landowner or lessee. Yadkin • Import and release a fox. • Hunt animals with a firearm from a public road. • Hunt, fish or trap on the land of another with- out written permission.

102 2024–2025 

Please note: Major regulation changes appear in RED

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