2024-2025 North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting & Trapping…

Hunting Regulations AND INFORMATION

General Restrictions • Any person hunting deer during a deer firearms season shall wear hunter orange visible from all sides. This includes hunt- ing with archery equipment on Sundays. This also includes anyone hunting on Youth Deer Hunting Day, regardless of age of the hunter or weapon used. Landholders, their spouses and children hunting on land held by the landholder do not have to wear hunter orange. • Antlered deer may be taken during any open antlered deer season. Antlerless deer may only be taken during antlerless deer seasons. • Antlered deer are defined as having visible antlers, defined as bony structures that pro- trude through the skin. Knobs or buttons covered by skin or velvet are not considered visible antlers. • It is unlawful to place processed food prod- ucts as bait in any area of the state with an established season for taking black bears. Processed food products are any food sub- stance or flavoring that has been modified by the addition of ingredients or by treat- ment to modify its chemical composition or form or to enhance its aroma or taste. This includes: food products enhanced by sugar, honey, syrups, oils, salts, spices, peanut but- ter, grease, meat, bones, or blood; candies, pastries, gum, and sugar blocks; and extracts of such products. • The placement of commercially available mineral supplements specifically and exclu- sively marketed for attracting or feeding deer is allowed anywhere in the state, except on game lands and CWD Surveillance Areas (see page 68). • Possession and use of some types of natural deer excretions (including urine) is not allowed. See the section on Baiting and Attractants on pages 54 and 55 for more information. Weapons and Dogs Archery • During the archery season the following are legal weapons: bows and arrows, crossbows, and slingbows (all described on page 54). Blackpowder • During the blackpowder season the following are legal weapons: bows and arrows, cross- bows, slingbows, and blackpowder firearms (all described on page 54). Gun • During the gun season the following are le- gal weapons: bows and arrows, crossbows, and slingbows, blackpowder firearms, shot- guns, rifles, and handguns (all described on page 54). Dogs • Hunters may use dogs to hunt deer dur- ing open deer seasons in counties listed on page 55, and to retrieve a wounded deer. See page 54 for details.

Big Game – Deer DEER HUNTING SEASONS See the map on page 66 for antlered and antlerless season dates and exceptions to the seasons listed in this table. • Weapon seasons for deer on game lands follow the season for the county in which they are located except for Buffalo Cove Game Land, Nicholson Creek Game Land, Rockfish Creek Game Land, Sandhills Game Land and South Mountains Game Land. See the “Game Lands” section for additional restrictions on these Game Lands seasons. Refer to the “Game Lands” section for Gun Antlerless Deer Season dates on game lands. METHOD OF TAKE SEASON DATES YOUTH DEER HUNTING DAYS Statewide September 28, 2024 Western Deer Season November 28–29, 2024 On these days, youth under the age of 18 may use any legal weapon to hunt antlered or antlerless deer. Hunters age 18 and older may only use the weapon legal for the type of season open in their county on this day. All hunters must wear hunter orange on this day, even if the hunter is using archery equipment. NORTHEASTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN ANTLERED DEER SEASON Archery Sept. 7 – Sept. 27, 2024 Blackpowder Sept. 28 – Oct. 11, 2024 Gun Oct. 12, 2024 – Jan. 1, 2025 CENTRAL ANTLERED DEER SEASON Archery Sept. 7 – Nov. 1, 2024 Blackpowder Nov. 2 – Nov. 15, 2024 Gun Nov. 16, 2024 – Jan. 1, 2025 NORTHWESTERN ANTLERED DEER SEASON Archery Sept. 7 – Nov. 8, 2024 Blackpowder Nov. 9 – Nov. 22, 2024 Gun Nov. 23, 2024 – Jan. 1, 2025 WESTERN ANTLERED DEER SEASON Archery Sept. 7 – Nov. 15, 2024 Blackpowder Nov. 16 – Nov. 29, 2024 Gun Nov. 30, 2024 – Jan. 1, 2025

Big Game Harvest Reports

View reported big game harvest counts for the current hunting season in the Go Outdoors North Carolina App.

62 2024–2025 

Please note: Major regulation changes appear in RED

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