2024-2025 North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting & Trapping…


Wildlife Feeding and Baiting The placement of minerals or salt to purposely congregate wildlife is prohibited in CWD Sur- veillance Areas. The placement of bait, food, or food products to purposefully congregate wild- life is prohibited from January 2 – August 31 in CWD Surveillance Areas, except for:

Attractants and Scents In addition to the statewide regulations defining legal use of attractants and scents, found on page 55, the possession or use of products containing natural substances collected by a hunter from a legally harvested cervid in North Carolina is prohibited in CWD Surveillance Areas.

• Bird feeders • Hunting in urban archery seasons in partici- pating municipalities • Other activities specifically permitted by the Wildlife Commission

CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE is a nervous system disease in deer that can cause popu- lation declines. It is a serious threat to North Carolina’s white-tailed deer herd and hunting traditions.

DEER WITH CWD… • Die within 2 years of infection • Look healthy for 16+ months

WHAT CAN I DO? • Follow N.C.’s deer carcass importation rules • Properly dispose of bones, hides, and other deer parts • Submit your deer’s head for CWD testing • Report sick deer to 866-318-2401

before appearing sick • Spread the disease to other deer • Should not be eaten




North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting & Trapping Regulations

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